Historian and researcher at the Fondation Clément, Marie-Hardy Seguette is the author of a thesis, defended in 2014 and supervised by Danielle Bégot, on the history of coffee in Martinique (1). She returns with us to the reality of this production which experienced a golden age at the end of the 18th century.e century, until a reduction in the face, in particular, of competition from South American cafes, from the 19e century.
The history and reality, today, of the coffee industry on our island seem to be relatively unknown, especially among Martinicans themselves. How do you explain it?
It’s just. The history of coffee is little known because coffee is a so-called “secondary” culture. It is a term which appears, moreover, very early in the archives. For a long time, there also existed what the Guadeloupean historian Gérard Lafleur called the “vain gloriole”, in …
France-Antilles Martinique
2108 words – 12.16.2021
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