Longevity Secrets Revealed: Lifestyle Habits of Long-Lived Elderly People

Longevity Secrets Revealed: Lifestyle Habits of Long-Lived Elderly People

Entered 2024.03.15 18:30 Entered 2024.03.15 18:30 Modified 2024.03.14 19:44 Views 159 Long-lived elderly people have common lifestyle habits, such as managing belly fat through strength training and frequently eating purple foods. [사진=클립아트코리아] It is everyone’s dream to want to live a long, healthy life. It is said that we are living in the age of … Read more

The Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss: Aerobic or Strength Training?

The Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss: Aerobic or Strength Training?

Aerobic exercise burns the most calories, but increasing muscle strength increases resting metabolic rate. Entered 2024.02.02 13:34 Entered 2024.02.02 13:34 Modified 2024.02.02 14:30 Views 4,347 Which exercise is more effective for losing weight: aerobic exercise or strength training? [사진=게티이미지뱅크[살을 빼기 위해 운동을 해야겠다 결심했다면, 유산소 운동과 근력 운동 중 어떤 걸 하는 게 좋을까. 목표를 … Read more

Research Shows Strength Training is More Effective Than Aerobic Exercise for Improving Sleep Quality

Research Shows Strength Training is More Effective Than Aerobic Exercise for Improving Sleep Quality

Entered 2024.01.01 17:30 Views 162 Entered 2024.01.01 17:30 Modified 2024.01.01 15:15 Views 162 As a result of sleep-deprived people consistently engaging in strength training such as lifting equipment or doing push-ups, aerobic exercise It has been shown to sleep better than humans. [사진=클립아트코리아] It is generally known that aerobic exercise such as walking or running … Read more

Shin Bong-seon’s Successful 11kg Weight Loss Journey Through Exercise and Diet Control

Shin Bong-seon’s Successful 11kg Weight Loss Journey Through Exercise and Diet Control

[셀럽헬스] Shin Bong-seon lost 11kg Entered 2023.11.18 15:50 Views 624 Entered 2023.11.18 15:50 Modified 2023.11.18 19:27 Views 624 Shin Bong-seon, who is known to have successfully lost 11 kg through exercise and diet control, reduced her weight from 65.4 kg to 53.8 kg in 100 days. [사진=신봉선 유튜브 채널 영상 캡처]Comedian Shin Bong-seon showed off … Read more

Combatting Indigestion in Cold Weather: Using Posture and Stretching

Combatting Indigestion in Cold Weather: Using Posture and Stretching

When the weather gets cold, physical activity decreases and intestinal movement slows down, making it easy to suffer from indigestion. In addition, the cold acts as stress on our bodies and interferes with digestion. When you are under a lot of stress, the sympathetic nervous system becomes hyperactive, which reduces blood flow to the stomach … Read more

Getting to Know Exercise Equipment: Exploring the Benefits and Proper Use of Barbells

Getting to Know Exercise Equipment: Exploring the Benefits and Proper Use of Barbells

There are many types of exercise equipment in the world. In order to have an opportunity to become more familiar with exercise equipment by understanding the origin and development history of exercise equipment, Health Kyunghyang prepares a special article called ‘Getting to know exercise equipment’ to inform the exercise method using exercise equipment, exercise effects, … Read more

How to Achieve Square Shoulders and Relieve Shoulder Pain

How to Achieve Square Shoulders and Relieve Shoulder Pain

Recently, ‘right-angled shoulders’ are popular among young people. As proof of this, it is easy to find content that introduces how to make a right angle shoulder on various platforms. However, modern people who use computers or smartphones for long periods of time tend to have ’round shoulders’ rather than right-angled shoulders. In addition, if … Read more

“Dispelling Height Growth Myths: How Strength Training Can Actually Help”

Retraining too early and exercising muscles will not grow taller? wrong!Strength training “doing this” helps growth plate development Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and a golden period for growing taller. Many parents hope that their children will be superior to others, so they are looking for various methods everywhere. The most commonly heard … Read more