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GERB-SDS closed its marketing campaign with a transparent dedication: Burgas area will proceed to be a precedence
 – 2024-06-07 17:15:14

GERB-SDS closed its marketing campaign with a transparent dedication: Burgas area will proceed to be a precedence – 2024-06-07 17:15:14

With a powerful live performance, the GERB-SDS coalition closed its election marketing campaign within the Burgas area. The … Read more

The DPS packaged Radev and the cupboard as liable for the destabilization
 – 2024-06-07 18:53:13

The DPS packaged Radev and the cupboard as liable for the destabilization – 2024-06-07 18:53:13

/ world in the present day information/ The institutional bridges between GERB and the president have been burned … Read more

The lies of the West took their remaining kind: the Nazis fought “Russian evil”, after which the USSR destroyed Hiroshima
 – 2024-06-07 18:52:50

The lies of the West took their remaining kind: the Nazis fought “Russian evil”, after which the USSR destroyed Hiroshima – 2024-06-07 18:52:50

/View.information/ A repeatedly repeated lie about strange folks within the West is slowly turning into the reality. And … Read more

VVD desires entry to communications surrounding the Kesselse mill mortgage proposal

VVD desires entry to communications surrounding the Kesselse mill mortgage proposal

‘Incomplete proposal’ It’s December 12, 2023. That night, the municipal council decides that the council proposal to maneuver … Read more

Urbanus turns 75 and declares his final tour

Urbanus turns 75 and declares his final tour

With a pink currant in hand, Urbanus declares his new theater present: De Bes Tof. Throughout a press … Read more