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When Marios Katsis “squeezed” Orestis Omran: “Mr.  Mitsotakis, you can be charged with the slanderer” (Video)
 – 2024-06-08 04:21:59

When Marios Katsis “squeezed” Orestis Omran: “Mr. Mitsotakis, you can be charged with the slanderer” (Video) – 2024-06-08 04:21:59

Shortly after the revelation that Maximos’ chosen and MEP candidate, Orestis Omran had been irrevocably convicted of plagiarism … Read more

Mattarella appoints Marina Berlusconi Knight of Labor.  “I dedicate it to my father”

Mattarella appoints Marina Berlusconi Knight of Labor. “I dedicate it to my father”

Marina Berlusconi following in his father’s footsteps Silvio. The eldest daughter of the founding father of Forza Italia, … Read more

Sassuolo-Cagliari 0-2: Prati and Lapadula save the Sardinians and ship the Emilians to Serie B

Sassuolo-Cagliari 0-2: Prati and Lapadula save the Sardinians and ship the Emilians to Serie B

Cagliari save, Sassuolo in Serie B. Claudio Ranieri’s Sardinians – one other feat for the Roman coach – … Read more

Blitz towards exploiters: «Prostitutes for our kids»

Blitz towards exploiters: «Prostitutes for our kids»

Pressured to work to earn the minimal to stay, financially help their kids, attempt to give a minimal … Read more