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SYRIZA on Mitsotaki’s lies in Corfu: “Their downfall has no restrict – The individuals have dignity” (Video) – 2024-06-08 22:48:53

SYRIZA feedback on the lies advised by the prime minister in a nationwide broadcast final week. It’s recalled … Read more

Households dwell on money or on loans – Greece has the bottom financial savings of all European nations
 – 2024-06-08 22:47:17

Households dwell on money or on loans – Greece has the bottom financial savings of all European nations – 2024-06-08 22:47:17

Greece has the bottom financial savings of all nations in Europe and the developed world! Greek households have … Read more

Fassina: “European alliance between M5S and rossobruni to barter with Putin and never bow to the USA”

Fassina: “European alliance between M5S and rossobruni to barter with Putin and never bow to the USA”

ROME — Honorable Stefano Fassina, does the speculation of an settlement in Europe between the 5 Star Motion … Read more

Virtus remains to be there and beats Milan (72-64), the championship last is large open

Virtus remains to be there and beats Milan (72-64), the championship last is large open

The Black Vu equalize the sequence, win recreation 2 on the Segafredo Area 72-64 and now meet in … Read more