6 Essential Vitamins and Nutrients You Need to Stay Healthy This Winter

6 Essential Vitamins and Nutrients You Need to Stay Healthy This Winter

Six vitamins should be taken daily in daily life, including vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B6, zinc, and Omega-3. (Picture / taken from Pexels) Winter is coming, and you may get sick if you are not careful due to the changes in temperature. In order to take good care of your body, you must supplement … Read more

Rising Metal Prices: London Stock Exchange Reports Increases in Aluminum, Copper, and Zinc

Rising Metal Prices: London Stock Exchange Reports Increases in Aluminum, Copper, and Zinc

Written by Abdel Halim Salem Wednesday, November 08, 2023 03:00 AM Metal prices recorded varying increases London Stock Exchange Especially aluminum ore, which Egypt represents an important source for exporting abroad through national factories alongside the countries of China, Russia, India and Canada, which lead global production and export. The movement of metals is affected … Read more

Boosting Immunity and Preventing Colds: Tips for Staying Healthy

Boosting Immunity and Preventing Colds: Tips for Staying Healthy

[오늘의 건강] Entered 2023.10.19 06:00 Views 6,761 Entered 2023.10.19 06:00 Modified 2023.10.18 15:01 Views 6,761 Warm water keeps the mucous membranes of the nose and throat moist, relieving pain and preventing cold viruses from penetrating the body. [사진=클립아트코리아]Rain will begin to fall in the metropolitan area and northern Gangwon at dawn, expanding to the central … Read more

The Effects of Zinc on Weight Loss: Fact or Fiction?

The Effects of Zinc on Weight Loss: Fact or Fiction?

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Losing weight is a goal pursued by many people. It is believed that zinc is a nutritional supplement that helps in losing weight and burning body fat. Is this true? In the following lines, the “Consulto” reviews the effect of zinc on body weight, according to the “Livestrong” website. … Read more

The Risk of Adverse Effects When Nutritional Supplements are Forgotten and Taken Hastily.

The Risk of Adverse Effects When Nutritional Supplements are Forgotten and Taken Hastily.

[생활의 발견]deals with subjects closely related to our lives. It includes everything you eat, wear, and live in. We are always by our side, but we are going to tell the behind stories about the facts that we did not know well in an easy and fun way. [생활의 발견]If you read the various stories … Read more

8 Benefits of Zinc What does Zinc help with and what are the side effects?

8 Benefits of Zinc What does Zinc help with and what are the side effects?

Zinc is an essential mineral for many processes and systems. in many bodies This mineral is involved in helping control blood sugar levels. It is involved in DNA wound healing. functioning of the immune system growth and development Reproductive and mental health Zinc deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, such as immune … Read more

Zinc strengthens memory and reduces cold symptoms.. Learn about its benefits

Zinc strengthens memory and reduces cold symptoms.. Learn about its benefits

Posted by Rania Amer Wednesday, 08 February 2023 01:00 AM Zinc is a mineral that has beneficial bodily functions including strengthening immune system And avoid depression, and work to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and pressure, and always contribute to combating these diseases if they are infected, so it must be placed within … Read more

Strengthen your immunity and fight the cold.. Here are 5 foods rich in zinc, especially eggs

Strengthen your immunity and fight the cold.. Here are 5 foods rich in zinc, especially eggs

Some studies have shown this Zinc supplements It can shorten the duration of cold symptoms. What we do know about zinc is that it is an essential mineral that is involved in many important metabolic functions, including supporting a healthy immune system, healing damaged tissue, cell growth, and protein building.Strengthen the immune system You have … Read more

These 4 Supplements are not useful for consumption, it is enough from daily food

These 4 Supplements are not useful for consumption, it is enough from daily food

Healthy adults generally get their nutritional intake from daily food. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — One of the goals of taking supplements is to meet certain micronutrient deficiencies. However, there are four micronutrients that are generally met through diet so there is no need to get additional from supplements. According to nutritionist and clinical professor at the … Read more