Russian Blogger Anastasia Ivleeva Diagnosed with Scoliotic Spinal Deformity after Leaked Photos from “Almost Naked Party”

In the photographs leaked online, doctors diagnosed blogger Ivleeva with scoliotic spinal deformity. Doctors suspect Russian blogger Anastasia Ivleeva has scoliotic spinal deformity, having analyzed her pictures from the scandalous “almost naked party,” which previously hit the Internet. Russian news Telegram channel Mash reportsthat experts noticed clear signs of deformation in the photographs, which can … Read more

The Journey of Zeina Makki: Art, Pain, and Hope in the Face of Adversity

The Journey of Zeina Makki: Art, Pain, and Hope in the Face of Adversity

Lebanese director and artist Zeina Makki monitored her suffering after breaking the plates and screws that stabilized her spine, and she said through her personal account on Instagram: “On the first day of October 2023… I directed a short film that I wanted to dedicate to the people who suffer in silence, those who suffer … Read more

Understanding and Treating Spinal Degeneration: A Disease for All Ages

Understanding and Treating Spinal Degeneration: A Disease for All Ages

Keypoint: spinal degeneration A disease that can occur at any age. It is not limited to the elderly continuously, teenagers and working people can also be Because the factors that cause the disease come from lifestyle habits. looking down at the mobile screen Sitting at work for a long time, smoking, lifting heavy objects, bending … Read more

The Impact of Bad Habits on Spine Health: Crossing Legs, Crossing Legs, and Walking with Arms Crossed

The Impact of Bad Habits on Spine Health: Crossing Legs, Crossing Legs, and Walking with Arms Crossed

Spine health is threatened due to van habits in the body. Crossing the legs, crossing legs, and walking with arms crossed are considered bad habits that harm the representative spine health. Photos are not directly related to the article. /Photo = Image Today As the saying goes, ‘A habit at age 3 lasts until 80’, … Read more