Diabetics Don’t Consume 7 Foods, Blood Sugar Soars

GenPI.co – For sufferers diabetesSome foods can actually increase blood sugar levels in the body. For most Indonesians, they are not satisfied if the menu is not accompanied by white rice. In fact, for diabetics, this staple food should be avoided because it contains high sugar levels compared to other carbohydrate sources. In addition to … Read more

Simple Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates, What’s the Difference?

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Carbohydrate is a type of macronutrient contained in certain foods. Citing the Cleveland Clinic, carbohydrates that enter the body will be digested, then broken down into glucose or blood sugar by the digestive system. The blood flow will absorb glucose and use it as energy or body fuel. Carbohydrates are divided into … Read more

These are signs on the feet if high blood sugar rises, recognize the symptoms before it’s too late

North Sulawesi portal – Don’t underestimate if there is sign – sign like this in footcould cause symptom gula blood tall go onthis needs to be known symptom nya. When gula blood left too tall will cause various types of complications to the health of the body, one of which is foot. Quoted from YouTube … Read more

Easy Blood Sugar Rises, Diabetics Must Stay Away From 3 Foods

GenPI.co – If you want to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, dietary changes should be part of your blood sugar control strategy, along with sport and manage stress. Some foods and drinks can cause high blood sugar, which can increase your risk of developing diabetes, such as: Dried fruit sweetness READ ALSO: … Read more

Dietitian Recommended Sugar and Salt Intake

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A healthy lifestyle and consumption of vitamin-rich foods is a necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, for those who work from home, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not an easy matter. Many office tasks and busy routines sometimes make unhealthy eating patterns and lifestyles. Instead of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, in just … Read more

Do This If You Want To Reduce Diabetes Risk

The main key to reducing the risk of diabetes is cutting sugar. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Type 2 diabetes affects nearly five million Britons, while another 13.6 million are at high risk of developing it. To reduce this risk, there are several changes that need to be made. If not treated properly, type two diabetes can … Read more

Diabetics Consuming 3 Foods, Guaranteed Stable Blood Sugar

GenPI.co – Indiscriminate eating can actually exacerbate diabetes. Choose good foods for stability blood sugar is the key for diabetics to live a healthy life. So, what are the safe and healthy foods for diabetics? READ ALSO: Regularly Eat Cucumber Every Night, Super Benefits Probiotic Yogurt Research in the journal Nutrition found that foods containing … Read more

High Blood Sugar, 3 Drinks That Diabetics Must Avoid

GenPI.co – Everyone knows that humans obtain various nutrients from food and drink to survive. However, not all foods or drinks consumed are healthy for the body. You also have to limit some of the drinks that are the cause blood sugar tall. What’s the list? READ ALSO: When Stomach Acid Relapses, You Immediately Consume … Read more