4 things that exacerbate the risk of diabetes, are still often done by people

Many habits that should not be done because it increases the risk of diabetes. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Eating healthy food is the lifestyle choice most associated with a reduced risk diabetes type 2. Reducing sweet, fried, processed foods, and having a healthy diet that includes consumption of berries, fatty fish, and green leafy vegetables is … Read more

Know 5 unusual symptoms of diabetes, which appear on the skin of the eyes Page all

KOMPAS. com – Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body. Reported by Cleveland Clinicthis happens because the body does not process glucose optimally and uses it for energy. The body’s inability to process glucose certainly causes excessive blood sugar to accumulate in the bloodstream. Meanwhile, … Read more

Does Diabetes Occur From Consuming Too Much Sugar, Really? Page all

KOMPAS.com – Diabetes often associated with consumption sugar excess. The fact is consuming too much sugar won’t cause it diabetes type 2 directly, although they are related. Quoted from Asian lifestylediabetes is actually type 1, which is also caused by genetics and environmental factors type 2 diabetes which is caused by many factors, including lifestyle … Read more

Marks on your hand that guide you to the “silent killer”

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" According to what you posted "The sun"Many of the symptoms that appear on the hands indicate the presence of diabetes, and these signs include: fingers closed • A recent study found that people with diabetes Type 1 and type 2 are more likely to have closed fingers, also known as … Read more

Be careful, consuming excess carbohydrates increases the risk of diabetes

JACARTA (RIAUPOS.CO) – Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the human body, but when consumed in excessive portions it is believed to increase the risk of developing diabetes. Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Dr. Mega Safithri said that the mechanism of metabolism in the human … Read more

Marks on your nails that show you have diabetic issues

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" diabetes Type 2 develops when the insulin-producing cells in the body are unable to make enough insulin or when the insulin produced does not work properly.. It may sound strange, but your hands can be an important marker in diagnosing the condition. Experts have confirmed that there are some signs … Read more

Having made use of to walking after consuming can minimize the danger of diabetic issues!

HORSE – Diabetic issues hazard it can be reached by someone by way of inheritance or lifestyle. However, there is great information for those people of you who want it decrease the danger of diabetic issues. 7 studies by scientists from the University of Limerick in Eire showed that walking for two minutes later on … Read more

Polluted Environment Can Increase Diabetes Risk

JAKARTA (RIAUPOS.CO) — A person is also at risk of developing diabetes if they live in an environment with air pollution. This was revealed by Dr. Rudy Kurniawan SpPD from the Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI), quoted from Antara. “Air pollution can increase the risk of diabetes through an increased mechanism of oxidative … Read more

Do This If You Want To Reduce Diabetes Risk

The main key to reducing the risk of diabetes is cutting sugar. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Type 2 diabetes affects nearly five million Britons, while another 13.6 million are at high risk of developing it. To reduce this risk, there are several changes that need to be made. If not treated properly, type two diabetes can … Read more