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YESSS | YESSS #37 – Warriors et éducation


In this episode we are going to talk about education …

Even if it means reminding us of a banality, children are the adults of tomorrow … If we finally want a society free from sexist, we have no choice: we have to bring up our children, our students, our nephews, our nieces, our little sisters and brothers differently

Because from the cradle and even before, we repeat ourselves but sexism is absolutely everywhere. From the color of the sleeping bag we offer you at the maternity ward, to the color of the jogging bottoms for sports lessons, the school books that always place dad at work and mom at home … Not to mention the love patterns that we have. presents them: prince charming who comes to steal a kiss from the sleeping princess, or kidnap her to give her plenty of children … A whole imagination that prepares the girls to let themselves go, and the boys to snatch kisses without worrying about the consent…

Fortunately our warriors are trying to correct things with their children. They encourage their girls and their boys to express their personality when it goes against the norm, they educate them to flush out sexism wherever it hides, They teach them that their body belongs to them … In short, they educate men and the women of tomorrow….

The references :

Anaëlle’s thesis: https://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr/dumas-01655968

Misconceptions about intersex people: https://bit.ly/3fo553p

The intersex and allied collective: https://cia-oiifrance.org/2019/05/01/des-chiffres/

A scientific article by Gisèle Atler on the behavior of parents towards their baby: https://www.cairn.info/revue-enfances-et-psy-2016-1-page-38.htm

Laura’s podcasts, Three minutes against gender stereotypes : https://podcast.ausha.co/3-minutes-contre-les-stereotypes-de-genre

Crowdfunding “The powerful”: https://fr.ulule.com/les-puissantes/

Warriors’ recommendations :

Can boys: https://bit.ly/3wdPR7l

Can girls: https://bit.ly/3dgL7Fa

The PAF collective: Militant collective for Feminist Parenthood @lecollectifpaf

Children’s book references :

Ulysses and Alice (http://bit.ly/3sbN6Rg) and The worst princess (http://bit.ly/album_pire_p), the publishing house @TalentsHauts, the album of @Sophie_Gourion : “Girls can do it too”, and other recommendations in the SLIP bib: @bibduslip

For the parents : “Small treatise on feminist education” from @LucileBellan, and to “Girl-Boy same education“d’Elisa Rigoulet et Pihla Hintika,”Letter to Ijeawele“de Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie,”Educate without prejudice“by Amandine Hancewicz and Manuela Spinelli

For teens : Sex Education, Ovidie’s comic about sexuality, the Skam series and the Shera cartoon

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