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World’s Largest and Heaviest Kidney Stone Removed in Sri Lanka – Guinness World Records


Men in Sri Lanka are the people with the largest number of kidney stones in the world. Unmitigated, the weight of the kidney stone reached 801 grams, five times the weight of a normal man’s kidney.

According to records Guinness World Records, This kidney stone was successfully identified and operated on by a urology team from the Colombo Army Hospital, on June 1 2023 from a 62 year old retired soldier named Canistus Coonge.

Coonge’s kidney stone measured 13.37cm long, compared to the average kidney which is around 10cm to 12cm long.


“Removal of the world’s largest and heaviest kidney stone via major surgery took place on June 1, 2023 at the Colombo Army Hospital,” the hospital said in a statement.

Reported USA Today, Coonghe’s kidney stone was in his right kidney. Surgeon Dr Kugadas Sutharshan removed the stone using a procedure called open pyelolithotomy. This procedure allows doctors to remove kidney stones through an incision made in the renal pelvis.

Even though there were large kidney stones, his kidneys were still functioning normally. Other organs such as the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen are also normal in size, but the prostate is enlarged.

“The most important thing for us is that the kidneys function normally despite the presence of stones,” said Dr Sutharshan.

Quoted from Mayo Clinic, Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. This is often caused by diet, excess weight, and certain supplements and medications.

Kidney stones can affect any part of the urinary tract, including the bladder. Passing kidney stones can be painful. Cases may vary but some patients may be able to pass kidney stones by taking painkillers and drinking plenty of water.

Symptoms of kidney stones include sharp pain in the side and back, under the ribs. Patients may also experience a burning sensation when urinating, pink, red or brown colored urine, and increased frequency of urination.

Watch the Video “Not a Myth! Frequently Holding in Urination Can Cause Kidney Stones”
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2023-12-25 00:28:04
#Doctors #Successfully #Remove #Largest #Kidney #Stone #World #Big #Size

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