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World Bank: Joint visit to Burkina Faso and Benin by the Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Vice-President of the World Bank for West and Central Africa | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION


PH:DR: Mr. Ousmane DIagana, Vice President of the World Bank for West and Central Africa

Ms. Svenja Schulze, Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany and Ousmane Diagana, Vice President of the World Bank for West and Central Africa, will visit Burkina Faso and Benin from March 4 to 7.

This joint visit by the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Bank aims to renew support for populations, in order to promote economic opportunities for all. It illustrates the collaboration between the World Bank and the Federal Republic of Germany in the priority areas of: investment in future prospects for young people, particularly education and vocational training; strengthening resilience and social cohesion

This trip reaffirms the continued commitment of the World Bank and the Federal Republic of Germany alongside the countries of West and Central Africa and constitutes the opportunity to strengthen dialogue with these two countries. It also shows the importance of closely coordinated action by different development partners.

In Burkina Faso (March 4-5), Ms. Schulze and Mr. Diagana will meet with authorities and other country stakeholders to address development priorities in the context of multidimensional crises. The delegation will also visit a scientific high school financed by the World Bank as well as an agroecology training center, a partner of German cooperation in the country.

In Benin (March 5-7), Ms. Schulze and Mr. Diagana will meet with government representatives to discuss development priorities as well as strategies for preventing fragility. The delegation will visit projects to interact with beneficiaries, and will attend a round table on youth employability and entrepreneurship.

The World Bank’s active portfolio in Burkina Faso includes 30 operations, covering 13 sectors, for a total commitment of $3.78 billion. Benin has 26 ongoing projects, for a total budget of $2.7 billion.

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