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World AIDS Day, These are the Nutrients PLWHA Need: Okezone Lifestyle

EVERY December 1 is celebrated as World AIDS Day. All factors have become the focus of attention so that the handling of HIV / AIDS is always better. One of them is related to the fulfillment of nutrition for people with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that adequate nutrition can help slow the progression of HIV to AIDS or stage 3 HIV conditions as well as improve their quality of life.

For PLWHA, the immune system works harder to fight the invading infection and this is what sometimes makes them need more energy and nutrients from food. Then what kind of diet or diet should PLWHA apply?

Page Medical News Today noted that the best diet is consuming lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; then lean protein sources such as fish, poultry, or nuts; healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, or avocado; and limit foods that are processed or high in sugar or salt.

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However, there are often problems in fulfilling these nutrients, among others, because the drugs taken can reduce appetite, there are symptoms such as nausea and vomiting making it difficult to eat and fatigue and depression. Not to mention if there is diarrhea which makes food nutrients not digested by the body.

As a result, those with HIV can lose weight. According to WHO, to help restore lost body weight (so that their body weight becomes healthy), those with HIV can eat more staple foods such as rice, corn, wheat, bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and bananas.

They also need to increase their intake of nuts, soy products, meat including chicken, fish, eggs, liver as often as possible, then fruits, yogurt, and snacks such as cassava chips and sandwiches.

In addition, you should slowly increase your fat intake, for example, eating more peanuts, soybeans, sesame, avocado, and fatty meat.

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If the fulfillment turns out to cause diarrhea, reduce fat intake until symptoms end and gradually increase the amount of intake until the body can tolerate it.

Other intake needed is more dairy products such as full-cream milk. But for those who have difficulty digesting it, you should not have to consume dairy products, especially if there are symptoms of cramps and skin rashes. It is also possible to add honey, syrup or sweetener products to food.

“It is very important to try to eat, even though you may feel bad about eating, to avoid weight loss,” explains the WHO.

If the bad appetite persists or the sufferer is experiencing certain illnesses, you can try snacks as a main meal, at least three times.

In those with diarrhea, it is recommended to drink more than eight glasses of water per day, consume soup, fruit juice diluted with water or an oral rehydration solution.

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They can also eat soft foods, including soft vegetables and to replace lost minerals try banana, mango, papaya, watermelon, pumpkin, pumpkin, potato and carrots in small but frequent portions.

It’s best to avoid a number of foods or drinks that can worsen diarrhea, such as foods that contain fat, milk that the body sometimes cannot tolerate, caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea because they can worsen dehydration and very spicy foods.

Sports and Herbs

Apart from nutrition, regular exercise is also recommended by health experts to improve immune function, stimulate appetite and improve mental health.

People with HIV can usually do the same types of exercise as healthy people, such as walking, running, swimming and dancing if possible. However, before trying a new activity, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor to find out what your limits are.

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On the other hand, the body needs extra rest. So, the WHO recommends that people with HIV get eight hours of sleep each night and should get some rest when they feel tired.

Try not to worry too much and stress as this condition can damage the immune system. Instead, take the time to relax with loved ones such as family or friends, do things you like.

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It’s best to avoid smoking because it can damage the lungs and many other parts of the body and make it easier for infections to attack the body, as well as unnecessary drugs.

What about herbs or traditional medicine? According to WHO, certain traditional medicines can help treat many symptoms of infection, but it is necessary to consult a doctor first.

Herbs and spices themselves are known to help stimulate appetite, but they should be used in moderation as overuse can cause problems and have toxic effects.

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Aloe vera for example, can help with constipation, then camomile to aid digestion, cinnamon to treat colds and stimulate appetite.

In addition there is garlic which has antibacterial, antiviral properties, helps digestion; ginger to help provide energy, relieve diarrhea and stimulate appetite, overcome nausea; and lemon which is antibacterial and helps digestion.

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