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Will the car insurance premium also change due to regional classes?

The fault lies with the new regional classes

Attention drivers: will your insurance class change soon?

Regional classes affect insurance premiums

Ralf Gosch – Fotolia, Ralf Gosch

September 28, 2022, 9:53 am

Influence of the regional class on the insurance premium

Basically, the better the classification in the regional class, the cheaper the insurance premium, also determined by other parameters. According to the General Association of the German Insurance Industry (GDV), it is not yet possible to say how much the new classification will change the entire insurance premium.

Each year, the GDV calculates the damage balance for the more than 400 registration districts in Germany and divides them into so-called regional classes. The basis for the calculation is where the most or most expensive damage occurs: the deviation from the national average is used as the basis. Districts with an average non-life balance have regional class 6 in motor liability insurance. For the regional class, the place of residence of the owner is decisive.

These regional branches are available for motor liability, fully comprehensive insurance and partial insurance. In the case of motor liability insurance, the insurance benefits for injured third parties are decisive. For those who have fully comprehensive insurance, on the other hand, insurance benefits after self-inflicted accidents and for all other claims are included in the calculation. These include, for example, car theft, glass damage, wildlife accidents, vehicle fires, or damage caused by natural disasters.

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The regional class of motor liability insurance is changing for many

For around 37% of drivers with pure liability insurance, the regional class will change over the next year. This was announced by the General Association of the German Insurance Industry (GDV).

About ten million drivers in 101 districts will be ranked higher in 2023, about 5.5 million in 67 lower districts. For the remaining 244 districts and therefore approximately 26.8 million owners with motor liability insurance, the regional class remains the same.

Reading tip: window.dataLayer.push (event: ‘link_click’, link_type: ‘intern’, link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/kfz-versicherung-rechte-kuendigen-so-klappt-der-versicherungswechsel -106816.html ‘)) () “> Cancel your car insurance correctly: this is how the insurance change works


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New class boundaries create more changes

Due to a reorganization of class boundaries, this time there are relatively many changes in the classification of motor liability insurance: according to the GDV, only 24 instead of 55 districts reach the lowest regional class 1 – the district of Elbe- Elster in Brandenburg performs better. In the highest, i.e. worst, class 12, instead of the previous 19, only two registration districts are now classified: Offenbach and Berlin at the bottom.

As in previous years, the damage data in Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are particularly good compared to the national average.

In the registration districts of large cities, the budgets are relatively bad, which is not even new: in the capital, for example, damages are almost 40 percent above average according to the GDV, which is a negative maximum value.

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Fewer changes for those with fully comprehensive insurance

According to the trade association, there are fewer movements in the regional branches of global insurance policies: from 2023 approximately 2.8 million fully and approximately 3.1 million partially insured worldwide will be downgraded, approximately 0.9 million fully and approximately 2.9 partially insured worldwide will have a better ranking.

There are no changes for the remaining 27.7 million, or almost three quarters of those with fully comprehensive insurance. There are 16 regional classes for partial coverage and nine for fully comprehensive insurance.

You can find out which regional class your district is in by using the regional class query on the GDV portal. (dpa / pdr)

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