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What is the big mistake of the parents

In recent years, obesity among children has reached alarming levels, including in our country. And with the increase in weight There are other problems, such as high cholesterol.

If before 1990, the incidence of childhood obesity was low and occurred mainly against the background of endocrine distress, now almost 1 in 3 children is overweight, with a real chance of becoming obese.

Already 15-20% of school-age children are obese, he explains Ziare.com nutritionist Camelia Olteanu.

When the child becomes overweight, respectively obese, after laboratory tests can be found (or not) the existence of dyslipidemia (abnormality of blood lipids), characterized by increased values ​​of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol “bad”), of VLD-cholesterol (the form of cholesterol which helps to distribute triglycerides through the bloodstream), triglycerides, while lowering HDL-cholesterol (“good” cholesterol).

Elevated cholesterol levels, registered in 1 in 25 children, is associated with the process of early atherosclerosis, although it will take many years for the disease to set in.

Dyslipidemia can also occur in children of normal weight, but who come from families with risk factors: have parents or grandparents who suffered a “cardiac event” before the age of 55 or one of the parents has cholesterol above the value of 250 mg / dl, explains the specialist.

Normal cholesterol levels

In children, LDL cholesterol should be below 110mg / dl, but this value also depends on other associated risks.

Normally, any abnormality in cholesterol levels will be detected during blood tests performed during childhood, once a year, or whenever the child’s health situation requires it, and then appropriate measures will be taken.

This should not be overlooked, as an abnormal lipid profile will surely lead to obesity, pain cardiovascular, diabetes type 2, even cancers.

In general, if it is not family hypercholesterolemia, which is a rare disease, a higher cholesterol in a child should be lowered by adopting a style of life healthy, before resorting to medication.

This healthy lifestyle It involves a healthy diet, with a decrease in the intake of fats saturated, as they are meat fat, high fat dairy products, lard, butter and excess eggs.


The abuse of sweets concentrates will increase the value of triglycerides, as well as bread and pastries.

A danger that many people are not aware of is the consumption of cereals, even whole grains, warns the nutritionist.

“Although many people will not agree, I can’t help but point out the danger posed by the consumption of whole grains. Even if they are considered very healthy and occupy the 1st place in the nutritionists’ recommendations, let’s not forget that these cereals, such as barley, oats, rye and especially wheat, have a high gluten content, which represents about 80% of the protein contained.

The repeated crossing of plants, especially in the last 50 years, has resulted in changes in the characteristics of gluten, which results in an explosion of some diseases: celiac disease, asthma, hives, diabetes.

Often, the cause of the increase in the child’s abdominal circumference (belly) is the consumption of so-called whole grains, possibly in combination with milk or yogurt“.

With the explosion of advertisements, especially in the USA, in the 1980s, regarding the benefits of cereal consumption, the incidence of obesity among children also increased, warns the specialist.

Genetically modified wheat flour is part of all confectionery and pastry products, so loved by children.

How to prevent obesity

Obesity can be prevented by:

consumption of lean poultry, beef, pork (muscle and fillet muscles), fish, legume and fruits fresh eggs (3-4 / week), lactate semi-skimmed;

practicing a sustained physical activity, minimum 3 days / week. The child will be accustomed from an early age to exercise and will develop harmoniously, without risk of becoming overweight;

Time spent in front of the TV or computer / tablet to be carefully monitored by parents / grandparents.

Read more about the effects of overuse of gadgets and the Internet.

Hours of sleep corresponding to age his;

– To be used to being small to drink What, not juices, compotes or carbonated drinks.

How do you attack the problem, as a parent?

Parents who have children with dyslipidemia should go to a doctor and find out the causes that led to this situation.

Then, parents and grandparents must follow exactly the lifestyle indicated for children and, if necessary, make the necessary changes in the case of family habits.

The child needs the help and support of the whole family, and attitudes like “I can’t help but make him french fries and meatballs or snacks, he’s small, he craves” or “I can’t not give him something good, sweet every day, he asks “- will not lead to the desired result.

In almost all cases, the mistakes in the child’s lifestyle are caused by the family.

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