here comes cold. to lucrecia,that will protect us from thisI trust as they say in Puerto Rico,good morning.lucrecia: have your blanketbecause the only thingprobably tonightgo on and remember if you gouse some type of we will seepretty cool conditionsright now we see 32 inNew York City and you aredescend as we goapproaching hours ofnoon, we’ll see the therometerdecreasing as wewe are approaching Tuesday,thermal sensation in thesetime for whathave an idea, it feels likeif it were in 3.the thermal sensation in thesemoments is 20, 24 in thevicinity of the guard,so if it is going to come out in thenext hours or has tosend your little ones to theschool, elida conditionsThey are the ones that we are going to see allahgo out and don’t forget those bootsto keep your feet dryand warm your children, doublepair of socks and it is necessary andthere are hats very importantbecause people sometimes tell meif it isn’t raining, noit’s snowing is to avoid themrainfall so that theheat evaporates us, you see the