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Watch out for the warning signs of sudden death and protect office workers from heat stroke

The heatstroke signal continues to heat up. But no sweat!

Many people, when faced with sweltering heat, tend to have headaches. This happens more often in people who suffer from migraines or are allergic to light. But if when… there is nausea, vomiting, thirst, rapid breathing, and the body continues to heat up. But no sweat including delirium, hallucinations, speechlessness which must urgently adjust body temperature Before shock due to internal organ failure can lead to sudden death.

Warning outdoor workers to beware of “heat stroke”, a risk to life.

“Heat Stroke” First Aid Method Who’s at risk? What are the symptoms?

do you know ? Office workers working in an air-conditioned room can suffer from heat stroke.

We tend to focus on people working in the sun, but in fact…office people who work in cool air-conditioned rooms are equally at risk! because the body temperature accustomed to the cold air of the air-conditioned room When coming out to see the strong sunlight Or the temperature rises during the lunch break … causing “shock” because the body can’t adjust the temperature as well

Heatstroke can be prevented.

  • Drink plenty of clean water. Especially on days when the weather is hot or the temperature is almost 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Avoid being in the sun. especially during daytime
  • Avoid being in a place with high temperatures, such as a car parked in the sun.
  • Wear light clothing. Good heat dissipation and not too tight.
  • before entering and exiting the air-conditioned room Stand in the shade first to stabilize your body temperature.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol of any kind, especially in hot weather or in the sun.

Warning! Risk groups – working outdoors, beware of “heat strokes” from extreme heat.

First aid for heat stroke patients

Hurry to bring the patient into the shade. that is well ventilated Take a lying position and lift both feet above the floor. Take off your clothes to the minimum. Use a cloth dampened with cold ice to compress the neck, forehead, armpits, groin, and use a fan to cool the heat and reduce the body temperature as quickly as possible. If unconscious, drink plenty of water. and brought to the hospital as soon as possible

Did you know? In foreign countries, there are not many deaths from this disease even though the weather is cooler than Thailand! We should therefore turn our attention to heatstroke. by avoiding risk factors that can cause sudden death

Thank you information from: Phyathai Hospital

4 signs of heatstroke (Heatstroke), a summer threat that can be life-threatening.

10 fruits and vegetables to cool down Juicy properties to cure heat in exhaustion from the sun.

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