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Watch out for metallic taste in mouth! This Could Be Symptoms of Covid-19


JAKARTA – Over the past few months, strange and unusual symptoms have emerged as a warning of a COVID-19 infection. Loss of smell and taste have been some of the main symptoms. A lingering metallic taste in the mouth is a lesser-known symptom called parageusia. This can be caused by several things that are temporary or long lasting.

In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the symptoms of COVID-19 have been investigated. The study noted that for many sick people with viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI), the experience of eating food and feeling a dull taste is often either secondary to rhinitis and resulting in nasal congestion or from direct viral injury to the olfactory neuroepithelium.

Also read:Alert! Symptoms of COVID-19 in Children Tend to Be Flu-like

Retroasal olfaction, a combination of odor and orthonasal taste, is a sensory process that enables humans to perceive taste, which is defined as the perception of anything outside the five dimensions of food taste namely sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami.

“A 59 year old African American woman was brought to our institution by ambulance on March 29, 2020, due to shortness of breath, fatigue and loss of appetite for several days,” the study wrote.

“About a week before admission to the hospital, the patient began to experience decreased appetite and disinterest in food. These symptoms were isolated and preceded by an indication that he was sick,” he continued.

During the week before his presentation, the food he normally enjoyed was tasteless and metallic. When questioned further, he also acknowledged a slowly diminished olfactory ability which developed into complete anosmia without any nasal congestion or other nasal symptoms.

“While the patient was in the ICU, the positive SARS-CoV-2 NAAT results were detected by the virus on April 2, 2020,” explained the study.

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