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Waking Up, But Still Feeling Tired. Here are 10 Causes

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Tired or tired is often felt by many people every day, both teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. Fatigue is a common symptom of several diseases, but most cases are caused by lifestyle.

Feeling too tired may be related to the food and drink consumed. In addition, excess stress will increase fatigue.

The good news is that complaints of feeling tired quickly can be overcome easily. For those of you who feel tired quickly, consider 10 lifestyles that can be avoided causing fatigue.

  1. Consuming too many carbohydrates

Carbohydrates consumed will turn into sugar as an energy-forming material in the body. However, consuming too many carbohydrates will cause fatigue because the body is busy processing carbohydrates.

Replacing energy sources from refined carbohydrates and sugar into vegetables and beans will help maintain blood sugar levels so you won’t feel tired quickly.

  1. Lack of activity/less movement

The people lying down should immediately find activities to avoid fatigue. Despite many giving statements he was too tired to move.

Research shows that exercise can reduce fatigue in healthy people and people with other diseases, such as cancer. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise, even walking activities can minimize fatigue.

To increase energy, replace the ‘mager’ behavior with an active one. For example, it is better to stand than to sit when possible, climb stairs rather than elevators, and walk than drive for short distances.

  1. Poor Sleep Quality

Insufficient or poor quality sleep is a common cause of fatigue. Recharge the body’s energy through adequate and uninterrupted sleep. So that during the day the body will feel energized to carry out daily activities.

Launching from HealthlineAccording to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society, adults need an average of seven hours of sleep a day for optimal health.

The thing to note is that sleep must be deep and undisturbed to allow the brain to go through all five stages of each sleep cycle.

In addition to sleeping at night, getting enough naps during the day can also restore energy. To improve sleep quality, go to bed at the same time each night, relax before bed, and do plenty of activity during the day.

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