Ex-husband of Ksenia Sobchak actor Maxim Vitorgan left a comment on the record of his ex-wife, who posted a video from the car on Instagram. On it, a pop diva, as she herself admits, without styling and make-up, is “scary but happy,” listening to her favorite music. It can be seen that Sobchak on the frames grimaces at the wheel of a car.
“But I didn’t forget to make the lips a duck,” Vitorgan wrote. And he accompanied his comment at once with several emoticons. Several dozen netizens immediately responded to Maxim’s caustic sarcasm. “Don’t get smart here, give me!”, “High relations”, “Maxim, are you still jealous of Ksenia?”, “Maxim, do you miss her?”, “Such women are not abandoned, they are not forgotten and they are always jealous”, “ Forget it already, ”the Russians wrote.
Someone believes that his attention to Sobchak Vitorgan humiliates himself, others adhere to the opposite point of view – everything is in order. After all, Ksenia and Maxim have a common son Plato, who spends time with his father, then with his mother.
As for the video itself, it surprised many subscribers. “Ksenia, you certainly have a sense of humor, but you don’t need to upload such videos,” “Maybe it’s not worth it without preparation,” “And in my opinion, it’s very good for you without a make-up,” netizens expressed such opposite points of view.
Recall that last year Sobchak married director Konstantin Bogomolov, and Maxim Vitorgan periodically appears in company with singer Nino Ninidze.
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