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Vitamins for Children 1 Year and Over during Growth Period

Vitamins for Children 1 Year and Over during Growth Period
Illustration of vitamins for children. Photo: Ist / net

Providing vitamins for children under five is the obligation of parents to grow and develop their children. Vitamin intake is an important part of excellent nutrition to help children’s growth.

Providing balanced nutritional intake for children is very important. In addition to optimal growth and development of children, balanced nutrition will also improve the child’s immune system and nervous function.

Meeting children’s nutritional needs is still a problem for most families. The results of the 2013 Riskesdas research from the Ministry of Health found that 93.5 percent of children’s consumption of vegetables and fruits was still below the recommendation.

In fact, children who are in their infancy really need a variety of nutrients. Not only from the variety of types, but also in sufficient quantities. Lack of nutrition can lead to child malnutrition which will interfere with their growth.

Vitamins for Children 1 Year and Up

Parents play an important role in fulfilling their children’s needs for nutrition and vitamins. You need to provide a variety of nutritious foods. Well, here are the types of vitamins for children 1 year and over that you shouldn’t miss.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A functions to repair tissue and bones so it is needed by children under five. Vitamins are also very good for eye health, skin, support the nervous system, and ward off infections.

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Food sources of vitamin A for children can be milk, eggs, cheese, carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Vary these foods so that children like all types of food and get the vitamins they need.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is available in several types such as vitamins B12, B6, B3, and B2. It is also a vitamin for children 1 year and above to help metabolism and provide energy for children.

In addition, B vitamins are also useful in the circulatory and nervous systems. To meet the needs of vitamin B children can provide intake of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, cheese, and milk.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very important to help repair red blood cells, bones and body tissues. This type of vitamin for children functions to maintain the health of the child’s gums who are still growing and strengthen blood vessels.

Besides that, it can also help in accelerating healing and increasing the body’s immune system and avoiding infection. Several types of fruits that contain Vitamin C are oranges, tomatoes, carrots, and papaya.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a type of vitamin for children that is very good for children who are growing. Because vitamin D can help the body more easily absorb minerals and calcium which are important for the growth of teeth and bones.

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Lack of vitamin D can cause bones to fracture or bend easily. To increase immunity, insulin production and regulation of cell growth are also obtained from vitamin D.

Various dairy products and fish oil can be a source of vitamin D. However, sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, so children also need to sunbathe in the morning often.

Vitamin E

Toddlers really need sufficient vitamin E intake for their growth. Because this vitamin for children helps fight germs and boosts the immune system, especially ages 1-3 years who are starting to learn to play.

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In addition, vitamin E also helps keep blood vessels smooth. Various foods that are high in vitamin E include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

Those are the various types of vitamins for children 1 year and over that are important for the growth and development of your toddler. To get a balanced nutritional intake of vitamins, vary your diet, starting from fruits, vegetables and meat. (R11/HR-Online)

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