
Vitamin D can lower cancer risk? Behind the statement

Part of the study, the investigation of Zusammenhngen between Vitamin D and various diseases. For those have been matched, the values of the cause-specific Mortalitt, so the number of Todesflle due to a certain disease, in Ratio to population extent, with the blood content.

The biggest connection here is not surprising between cardiovascular diseases or cancer. A very different disease reacted particularly intensively to a lack of Vitamin D: diabetes patient.

Diabetics from the Vitamin D deficiency group (less than or equal to 50 nmol/l) showed a 4.4-fold hheres risk to die of the disease, as the Diabetes Patients in the comparison group. Fr people suffering from Diabetes, so it is particularly important that the Vitamin-D content is regulated in the Body good and quality.

Conclusion: The scientists are coming at the end of the study to the clear conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency (below 50 nmol/l) and erhhter mortality, a strong connection can be confirmed. Therefore, it is recommended to keep your levels of Vitamin D in the Body is always in the eye, deficiency symptoms, and to avoid a erhhtes risk of death.

You suffer from Vitamin D deficiency? With this delicious frnkischen recipe you can change.

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