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Vigil Held in Bronx for Babies Found Dead: Neighbors and Religious Leaders Seek Answers

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combat for several days. let’s go to the bronx today a vigil was held for the discovery of the babies found dead. street where three years ago they found the body of the newborn twins and one lying in the uniform says that they were able to find the brother’s body there where the garbage is. no There is a trace of the mother of the babies that were found lifeless, wrapped in plastic and paper in that building.” Univisón 41 news” was present live reporting in 2020 when they were found. The 1000 babies received a strong blow to the head. >> We are making a lot of efforts with it. police department laboratory. They kept a DNA sample to be able to identify their babies. If the children were alive, the children would be Tuesday years old, since they were born between November 8 and 9.>> we took the case, we gave them names, we buried them. reporter: that’s why neighbors and religious people came together in one voice at a vigil for the public to approach the police with information about this case.>> there is a solution.reporter: the death of the twins has shocked the residents of the bronx and they only have one message for us to abandon.officers from barracks 44 investigate the death of those twins. If you have information about this

2023-11-10 04:50:00
#Vigil #held #honor #newborn #twins #dead #Bronx

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