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Understanding Eating Disorders: Symptoms, Types, and Treatments

It is reported that more than 30 million Americans of all ages and genders are affected by the disease. abnormal eating behavior It is estimated that 13% of American women age 50 and older have the disease. Eating Disorder

If you remember, the sweet-voiced female singer of the band The Carpenters – Karen Carpenter, passed away from… Anorexia Nervosa Out of fear of being extremely fat or skinny mania One of the symptoms of eating disorders

Explore eating disorders or not. (Cr.lanermc.org)

Examine yourself for 5 items that may be considered a disease. Is there an abnormal eating behavior?

1 Have you ever made yourself vomit?

2 Are you worried that you cannot control the amount of food you eat?

3 Have you lost more than 6 kilograms in 3 months?

4 Do you believe you are fat even though others say you are too thin?

5 You think food has a big influence on your lifestyle. Or are you so obsessed that your lifestyle changes because of food?

If the answer matches 2 or more of the 5 questions above and if you have any of these symptoms, such as being unable to control the amount of food you eat. Or no matter how much you eat, you won’t be satisfied. Sometimes after eating you feel nauseous and run to vomit. or are worried that they may be so fat that they exercise hard and have a feeling of wanting to be thinner

These symptoms are warning signs that May be considered a diseaseabnormal behavior or Eating Disorder


Know the different types of Eating Disorders

1 Anorexia Nervosa

or fear of being fat, skinny mania The patient has obsessive thoughts about his or her abnormal appearance. I think I have to keep my figure slim. Fear of gaining weight even though you are already underweight

There are two types of anorexia: those that try to limit the amount of food they eat; Or exercise hard to prevent weight gain. and a group that ate an unusually large amount of food for a short period of time and then dipped their throats to induce vomiting. or use laxatives to lose weight People with anorexia are significantly underweight compared to other people of the same age and height.

Common symptoms are The body is gaunt. Can’t stand the cold, tired, menstruation irregular. Dizziness and fainting from dehydration, bloating and severe constipation. Over time, it can cause bones to thin, hair to thin and fall out, and nails to become brittle. If the symptoms are severe, they may affect brain function, heart function, internal organ failure, and death.

2 Bulimia (Bulimia Nervosa)

It is a disease in which the patient eats large amounts of food in a short period of time without being able to control himself. and feeling guilty after eating too much So he tried to get rid of the food he ingested by reaching down his throat to induce vomiting. Or use laxatives, diuretics, or enemas and exercise hard to prevent weight gain.

Bulimia sufferers are often obsessed with their weight and shape. Afraid of gaining weight Has the habit of frequently going to the bathroom to vomit after eating, dizziness and fainting from dehydration.

Vomiting and frequent use of laxatives can lead to a chronic sore throat. cause acid reflux disease and tooth decay from stomach acid that destroys tooth enamel. Diarrhea without any known cause and hormones in the body fluctuate If the symptoms are severe, they may be life-threatening.

The behavior of eating non-stop, one of Eating Disorder (Cr.utahaddictioncenters.com)

3 Binge Eating Disorder

Can eat a lot of food even when not feeling hungry. and cannot control himself to stop eating until he feels bloated or uncomfortable

Patients are not limited in the amount they eat. Count the calories of the food you eat. Or have the habit of burrowing or using laxatives to get rid of food that has been eaten, like anorexia and bulimia patients. But when you finish eating, you feel disgusted or angry that you can’t control yourself. and felt ashamed of eating large quantities of food Therefore, they often secretly avoid eating food alone.

Binge eating disorder can lead to chronic diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke


4 Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)

It’s different from the food choices of young children or general food choices. But the patient will lack interest in eating food. Avoid eating foods that have certain characteristics, such as color, texture, smell, and taste that you don’t like. or avoiding eating for fear of choking, vomiting, diarrhea, and food allergies

Avoidance of eating is not due to religious reasons or fear of gaining weight like other types of Eating Disorder. If this disorder occurs in children, it may affect their growth. Your body weight does not correspond to your age. In adults, it can cause severe weight loss and malnutrition. This may lead to health problems.

(Cr.image by Kamran Aydinov on freepik)

5 Conditions of chewing and swallowing food and then retching it out (Rumination Disorder)

It is an abnormality in which the patient regurgitates food that was previously chewed and swallowed. Then they chew it again and swallow it again or spit it out. The regurgitation is not caused by heartburn or nausea. and is not caused by an underlying disease or another type of Eating Disorder and will occur in a repeated manner for at least 1 month

Frequent regurgitation of food can cause severe malnutrition in the baby. and may be life-threatening. In adults, this may lead to eating less food and avoiding eating in front of others. This may cause the body weight to drop below the ideal level.

Eating too much cleanly is one of the symptoms of Eating Disorder (Cr.Devon Breen Pixabay)

6 Conditions of eating non-food items (Pica)

Classified as Eating Disorder One type that makes the patient feel like they want to eat something that isn’t food. and have no nutritional value, such as ice, paper, soap, dirt, hair, dust, yarn, mud, and gravel. Eating non-food items may risk injury, infection, and malnutrition.

Commonly found in children pregnant person and people with autism or have intellectual disabilities. However, young children under 2 years of age who like to put small objects into their mouths is considered development according to their age. and is not classified as an abnormality

There are other forms of eating disorders, but they are less common, such as purging disorder, night eating syndrome, and binge eating disorder. (Orthorexia)


How is Eating Disorder treated?

You should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The treatment may vary according to the type and severity of the disease. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, such as

Nutrition Therapy is the assessment and planning of the patient’s diet according to nutritional principles.

Psychotherapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is often used to treat patients with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. and family therapy (Family Therapy) for child and adolescent patients. In order for family members to help take care of appropriate eating habits

Use of medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics and mood stabilizers These medications do not directly cure Eating Disorder, but they may help treat symptoms of depression or anxiety that may be at the root of the eating disorder. By helping to suppress abnormal food cravings. and can deal with obsessive thoughts about eating

Reference: Dr. Nacharin Phiphothasanee, psychiatrist, BMHH Hospital, poppad.com, breathelifehealingcenters.com

2024-01-07 16:52:00

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