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Trump to restore the ‘iconic’ Boeing 757 for use at his next rallies | Donald trump

Former President Donald Trump said his iconic Boeing 757 jet, which had been inactive during his presidency, is being restored and will take to the skies by the end of the year.

“Many people have asked about the beautiful Boeing 757 that became an icon during the Trump rallies,” wrote the former president on his website. “Indeed, it was kept in storage in upstate New York to the extent that I was not allowed to use it during my presidency.”

While he was president, Trump relied on Air Force One to fly to various destinations.

“It is now being fully restored and updated and will be put back into service sometime before the end of the year,” Trump wrote. “He will soon be taken to a Louisiana service facility to complete work, inspection and upgrade of the Rolls-Royce engines and a coat of paint to the brand. When it is finished, it will be better than ever, and will be used again in the next rallies! “

Former President Donald Trump’s private jet, a Boeing 757, stands on the runway at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, New York, on July 4, 2018. (Eva Hambach / AFP / Getty Images)

In a interview Aired Thursday on the One America news network, which featured a model of a version of the plane in the background, Trump said could resume campaign rallies in Florida, Georgia, Ohio and North Carolina.

“We will announce them very soon, over the next week or two. I think we will probably start in Florida and Ohio and announce the rallies very soon, ”the former president told the media.

Trump is scheduled to visit North Carolina in June to address the state Republican Party convention. The chairman of the state Republican Party confirmed the news in a statement last week.

“President Trump beat North Carolina in 2016 by promising to put America First and he won North Carolina in 2020 by keeping that promise. President Trump delivered real results to North Carolina by rebuilding the military, standing strong against China, and unlocking the American economy, ”North Carolina GOP Chairman Michael Whatley said, according to the North State Journal. “We are honored to welcome President Trump to our convention as the Republican Party launches our campaign to retake Congress and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.”

Although Trump has hinted at the possibility of running again in 2024, no firm commitment has been made.

When asked in an interview with The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens in early May if he was considering re-occupying the White House, he replied, “The answer is, I’m absolutely thrilled. I am looking forward to making an announcement at the right time. As you know, it’s very early, but I think people are going to be very, very happy when I make a certain announcement. “

Trump’s aides have repeatedly said that the former president plans to get involved in politics and has his sights set on helping the Republican Party retake the Senate in 2022.

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