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Tiger mosquito: how to recognize them?

The tiger mosquito worries the health authorities. A commission of inquiry at the National Assembly concluded to “a major health risk on the whole of the territory “during” the next decades. “From its real name mosquito aedes albopictus, it is a vector of diseases like zika, chikungunya or dengue and established itself in 58 departments out of the 96 departments of the metropolis.

The tiger mosquito is first recognizable by its appearance. Black and white striped, very dark, slightly silver glitter, it has black wings, without spots. It is also smaller (0.5 to 2mm) than other mosquitoes (5 to 7mm).

It is also slower and quieter than other species, and live during the day, unlike other mosquitoes which prefer the night. In addition, they prefer to bite at low altitudes, at ankle level, and it is more rare to be confronted with it on the upper floors. It favors shade and rarely stings in the sun.

“You have to learn to live with them”

LREM deputy from Mayotte, Ramlati Ali

“If for fifty years the metropolitan territory lived free from diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, this is no longer the case today. We will have to learn to live with them, in limiting their impact on the health of the French as much as possible“, writes the rapporteur and LaREM deputy of Mayotte Ramlati Ali.

In terms of insecticides, the deltaméthrine “is today the only substance available to the public authorities to fight, in the short term, against aedes mosquitoes in a given place”, according to the report. The report therefore recommends better inform the public about this danger.

If you spot a tiger mosquito, you can report it on the dedicated portal the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES), which monitors its development in mainland France.

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