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There are 4 solar and lunar eclipses


In 2023 there will be plenty of them phenomenon of astronomy it will happen. In January 2023 alone, 3 astronomical phenomena occur. This is complete.

Astronomical phenomena in January 2023

Quadrantid meteor shower peak January 4, 2023

The Quadrantids meteor shower actually begins from December 27, 2022 to January 13, 2023. However, it reaches its peak on January 4, 2023 at 03:00 WIB in the northeast, then fades away as the sun rises.

The intensity of the Quadrantid meteor shower reaches 110 meteors per hour at the zenith (the point in space directly above the observer). This meteor shower comes from asteroid 2003 EH1 and comet C/1490 Y1. This meteor shower is unaffected by the intervention of moonlight.

Micro full moon on January 7, 2023

The first full moon in 2023 will be a micro full moon. This is because the Moon is at the furthest point in its orbit.

The path of the Moon around the Earth is an ellipse. At the time of its closest orbit, called perigee, the Moon is 225,291 miles (362,570 kilometers) from Earth. While the longest distance orbit, called the apogee, the Moon-Earth distance is 251,910 miles (405,410 km).

The moon will reach its full point at 23:07 UTC on January 6 or, according to the BRIN website, on January 7 at 06.08 WIB/07.08 WITA/08.08 WIT

Triple conjunction Lunar-Venus-Saturn January 23, 2023

This is a configuration phenomenon when the Moon-Venus-Saturn appears to come together to form a straight line from observers on Earth.

This phenomenon can be seen from the west from 6.30pm to 7.30pm WIB.

Below are 24 astronomical phenomena for 2023 reported by the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) and Live Science website. There have been 4 eclipses, 2 lunar eclipses and 2 solar eclipses.

Of the 4 eclipses, only 3 can be observed from Indonesia, namely a hybrid solar eclipse (April 20), a penumbral lunar eclipse (May 5-6) and a partial lunar eclipse (October 29). Meanwhile, the annular solar eclipse (October 15) cannot be observed in Indonesia.

BRIN also warned that the meteor shower phenomenon has absolutely no impact on Earth because the meteoroids and remaining dust from asteroids and comets that pass through the Earth’s orbit are completely burned by the Earth’s atmosphere considering their size is less than 300 meters.

Furthermore, any planetary/interplanetary conjunction with the Moon has absolutely no impact on sea level rise on Earth. This is because even if visually the stars appear to be reunited or aligned, in reality they are not in the same constellation, but extend from certain constellations to other constellations in the plane of the ecliptic.

1. The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on January 4th

2. Micro full moon on January 7th

3. Triple conjunction Moon-Venus-Saturn January 23rd

4. Indonesian peak period February-April and September-October

5. Triple conjunction Moon-Venus-Jupiter February 21-23 and March 22-24

6. Occultation of Venus by the Moon (Occultation of lunar Venus) March 24

7. April 20 hybrid solar eclipse

8. The peak of the Lyrid meteor shower is April 22-23

9. Penumbral lunar eclipse of May 6 and partial lunar eclipse of October 29

10. The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on May 6

11. Triple Moon-Jupiter Mercury conjunction May 17-18

12. The conjunction of the triangle Moon-Venus Mars May 22-25 and June 22

13. The culmination of the Kaaba – Qibla Alignment Days May 28 and July 15

14. Mars-Venus-Moon-Mercury Quartet Conjunction July 20-22

15. Triple conjunction and triangle Mars-Venus-Mercury July 23-August 5

16. The Delta-Aquarius meteor shower peaks on July 30-31

17. Super Full Moon August 1-2

18. The Perseid meteor shower peaks on August 13

19. Triangular and triple conjunctions Mars-Mercury-Moon August 18-19

20. Super Blue Moon-Saturn conjunction August 30-31

21. The Orionid meteor shower peaks on October 21-22

22. Jupiter-Full Moon conjunction throughout the night of October 28th

23. The Leonid meteor shower peaks on November 18

24. The peak of the Geminids meteor shower is December 14-15

Don’t forget to note it on your detikers calendar to score and watch phenomenon of astronomy this!

Watch a videoList of astronomical phenomena in 2023, there will be 4 eclipses!
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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