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Therapist on help for children of addicted parents – Speyer

Daniela Kuhn works at the addiction counseling center Nidro in the Ludwigsmühle therapy association in the women’s and addiction department. In an interview with Anna Warczok, the social therapist, with a focus on family therapy, explains why children of parents with addictions often go unnoticed for a long time and how the group of people she leads can help.

Ms. Kuhn, every person is unique. Are there any unifying elements in the lives of adult children of addicted parents?
Common elements are mainly comorbid diseases that almost all those affected develop. This means that the children themselves often become addicted or depressed. There are also co-dependencies in relationships that are often sought with addicts. The author Sharon Wegscheider has identified four roles in children of addicts: the hero, the clown,

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