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The wave of support from Senayan regarding the chief of the national police calls for ordering the RF license plate


National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo planning to solve the problem pelat RF on the road. It turned out that General Sigit’s move was well received by the leaders and members of the RI DPR Commission III.

The RF license plate release statement was originally submitted by Sigit in the Outspoken program detik.com which airs on Monday (31/10). He initially expressed his belief that more members would be able to achieve results.

“I also believe that all members have a passion for it, achieve results, do good because this is part of the game, choose which one, choose good or evil with risks”, said the national police chief. The national police chief answered the question about the hope of the emergence of prominent police officers who could benefit the community.

Hence, Sigit stressed that the police must meet the expectations of the community. She made sure she would follow up on things that might irritate the public, including the use of RF license plates familiar with official motor vehicles.

“I think that’s what we’re going to do in the future, including currently expected perceptions from the community about police services, of course, what we keep improving, including what makes people angry with police-related things, of course we’re going to fix it. . This is what we are investigating, “said the national police chief.

“For example, let’s say this RF plate,” added General Sigit.

Sigit, who is also a former head of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit, said special RF plates have been provided for some police, service or VVIP-related functions. However, Sigit captures the phenomenon of people seeing the use of this RF plate as inappropriate. Sigit confirmed that he would fix the problem.

“In fact, he’s specifically assigned to certain functions that are related to the police, service or VVIP, yes. But the fact is that maybe the public might see, ‘Oh, it’s not the police,’ that’s right. Now that’s it. what we solve, “said the national police chief.

Watch the video ‘House of Representatives leadership supports national police chief’s steps in ordering RF license plate’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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