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The Ukraine of shooters is jealous of us

The Ukraine of shooters is jealous of us

A year ago, when Russia started active hostilities against Ukraine, along the Suwalki corridor, our country’s Union of Riflemen became very interested in foreign television. The commander of the 4th national team of Suvalkijas riflemen of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union dr. Egidijus Papečkys said that in those days he had to give interviews to more than 40 TV channels from all over the world, starting from Japan and ending with the American CNN.

When we met for a conversation with the commander of the national team and the commander of the 403rd Rifle Company of Marijampole, Vytautas Kubilius, the idea was heard that such organizations as the Riflemen’s Union today are very jealous of us in Ukraine. We talked about why this is the case and about other current challenges faced by the Sagittarius Union.

Vytautas Kubilius has great authority among shooters, he is the former head of the national team. non-commissioned officer in the KASP forces. Loreta Akelienė’s photo

Appears in hot spots within hours

First of all, the pandemic forced our society to focus, unite and help the sick. That time led to a flourishing of volunteerism. The shooters were almost the first to help. Aid was provided in hospitals when the flow of patients was overwhelmed. The shooters then worked there according to the schedule in the darkest and most dangerous jobs. It turns out that during the pandemic, some people specifically joined the rifle union to help out at the hospital, because this organization is associated with volunteerism for many.

– Voluntary involvement in state defense is traditional for the Baltic states – it is our asymmetric response to a bigger enemy. Society understands this necessity. However, Estonian and Latvian shooting organizations were founded by the state, while in Lithuania it came from the initiative of the people themselves. Union in 1989 the people themselves secretly restored it at risk, – said E. Papečkys.

Although the shooters were preparing to counter other threats, they also helped in the face of the pandemic. In the beginning, there was no critical situation in Suvalkia, but only in the places where there are air and sea ports. There, the shooters were the first to help, and they also determined the help algorithms, which were then used by the entire state. In any case, it would not be possible to gather people so quickly, and shooters are highly motivated, they work on the basis of an agreement, their ties are strong, and they call each other brothers and sisters for a reason.

Marijampole company commander V. Kubilius said that since 2014, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the ranks of riflemen have increased significantly. in 2019 there was another wave of admissions, and in 2022 the number of members increased significantly in February.

– Until 2022 in the month of February, 10-12 real candidates came to Suvalkija’s 4th national team. And on the first days of March, we had 100 motivated people come who wanted to take responsibility for their community, for the security of their country, said E. Papečkys.

V. Kubilius told that his company has been growing ever since he himself joined the shooting – since 2014. “In the beginning, up to 20 people came to the meetings, and now about 100 gather on the last Wednesday and Friday of the month, twice, because we can’t fit everyone together. There are a total of 198 shooters in the company,” said V. Kubilius.
The Union unites people from the most diverse walks of life, those who are responsible citizens, who have the time and can allocate some of their own funds.

And they come mainly because they want to do something good, to realize themselves by helping others. Today, the shooters join the communities that make camouflage nets and candles for the war, thus supporting the people of Ukraine. A lot of work is done with the “Food Bank”. V. Kubilius said that the need to support food is constant, and cooperation has been more intense since 2018.

– Last year already on the evening of February 24, our shooters stood at the border and helped to receive refugees. Vytautas was engaged in organization. From the request for help after 3-4 hours. shooters presented themselves at the border. They were the first to be on duty at the Kalvarija and Lazdijai border posts and helped the border guards to meet the arriving Ukrainians, – said E. Papečkys.

“If there were to be an armed invasion, the shooters would have very specific tasks,” says Dr. Egidijus Papeckys. Photo by Ričardas PASILIAUSKAS

Work was really concentrated, border guards built tents, municipalities provided food and water, companies bought SIM cards for phones with their own funds, which were distributed to refugees. “The first wave of refugees was only very frightened women with children. Many arrived standing, without anything, exhausted from the long drive and tension. We, together with the border guards, were the first to accept all their horror,” the national team commander recalled those days.

The shooters were on duty for a while, now there is no need for it. However, V. Kubilius said that SIM cards are still available, they are still distributed to the arriving Ukrainians, and for them the connection with those who have stayed in their homeland is very important, especially the possibility to make free calls.

Well prepared and trained force

Until now, the shooters’ union used very little state budget funds. Thus, everything is done sparingly, and the current premises on Marijampolė’s Gedimina Street are rented from the personal funds of the shooters. They did the repair themselves by adapting a 4-room apartment. There are activities for children here, there is a shooting range, also bought with the private funds of the shooters: children learn to shoot with a laser weapon. Only Suvalkija shooters have purchased such a shooting range at their own expense.

You won’t survive if you join the shooters. Company commander V. Kubilius, who is responsible for almost 200 riflemen, does not receive a salary, he is the head of the reserve, who is also involved with young riflemen on a voluntary basis. Marijampolė’s company is the only company that is only for adults, it is not mixed. The children are united by the young shooters (company leader Rūta Čepaitienė).

The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have served to test unity. Suvalkija shooters maintain relations with firefighters, “Maisto banka”, police, and all municipalities of the county.

Although the ranks of shooters are growing, but, according to the interviewees, there is no attempt to inflate the organization, because shooters need to perform certain tasks, so people must be prepared. “The shooters went to the border when there was a migrant crisis. Within a few hours, the protection of the border with Belarus was prepared and strengthened – it was doubled in infantry.

We were able to do this because our shooters have completed various trainings, special police school courses, so that they can patrol with the police, the border guards and not be a burden to them, whether the shooter is a man or a woman. By the way, women shooters are very active, almost 50 percent. among the active are women. Most of our shooters have jobs or businesses. It happens that you have to stay up at night and then go to work. Our shooters work really selflessly”, said E. Papečkys.

At the beginning of the migrant crisis, the people of Dzūkija were terrorized by wandering migrants, and when the shooters came, that ended. By the way, Dzūkija shooters were not enough to protect the border, Suvalkija national team had to contribute. Our shooters went there in their own transport, bought fuel themselves.

When patrolling with the police, shooters are equipped only with special equipment. means: handcuffs, rubber batons and tear gas. Everything else was purchased at our own expense. This discourages some who want to join the organization, because the financial opportunities are not the same for everyone. However, it also happens that those who can afford it, buy something for others, for example, six expensive, good rifles were bought in this way.

The shooters arm themselves

By the way, shooters can already purchase weapons themselves – get a weapon not for self-defense or hunting, but for the shooter’s service. And it turns out that it is much easier to purchase for self-defense or hunting. The shooters go through a very serious selection process, so arming them only increases public safety.

The shooter cannot have a criminal record – there are very strict reputation requirements, he must be active and still be checked by the police, only then can he get a gun permit. “So far we have no problems, although a number of our shooters have purchased weapons. In the whole country, shooters have been allowed to own a weapon since 2017, and Suvalkijas – since 2021. The war in Ukraine led to the purchase of arms. At one time, all weapons were bought up, and even in Poland they were in short supply. There was also a shortage of ammunition. Still, such things cost a lot, for example, a gun – from one thousand euros”, said E. Papečkys.

Now, 8-10 percent of the Suvalkija national team have weapons. They can train, improve their skills. However, the law is very strict about when a shooter can use a weapon, it is not something that is out of control.
Sagittarians notice that society’s concentration and responsibility have increased: people want to help not only their family, but also be responsible for those around them. Shooters will be available to assist in any emergency if needed.

“If there was an armed invasion, the shooters would have very specific tasks. They could also provide medical aid, because they are trained, which, as we saw in Ukraine, is very much needed. Ukraine envies us a public rifle organization that can work side by side with the army and others.

However, creating such an organization is not easy. Whatever you create in Ukraine, everything is highly politicized, influenced by various political forces. And even during the nationalist dictatorship, our shooters were not subordinate to any party. Back in 1919 The founders of the shooters’ union tried to protect the union as much as possible from subjugation to someone’s limited interests. We strengthened those safeguards even further in 1997. after issuing a special law”, said the national team commander.

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