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The story of the BCA boss when he wants to buy an apartment

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Director of PT Bank Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) Jahja Setiaatmadja said that during the implementation of the emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM), property sales were difficult because consumers could not make physical visits.


Dia mencontohkan ketika ingin membeli suatu properti, lazimnya konsumen harus mendatangi tempatnya agar sesuai dengan keinginannya. Jahja pun menceritakan pengalaman ketika membeli apartemen, sebelumnya dia belum pernah ke tempat apartemen atau site.

"Begitu mau deal saya mau ke lokasi dulu. Pas ke site ada kuburan, nggak mau saya, ganti. Itu contoh kalau properti itu nggak bisa transaksi fully digital," ujarnya dalam acara webinar online bedah emiten BCA, Jumat, 30 Juli 2021.


Jahja pun mengatakan hal ini yang menjadi salah satu kendala karena transaksi tidak sepenuhnya digital, terlebih adanya masalah surat-surat yang harus ditandatangani dan memerlukan notaris dimana notaris harus didatangi tidak bisa virtual.

Meanwhile, for credit For motor vehicles, said Jahja, credit is still not necessarily able to increase even though there is a VAT relief if the restrictions still occur. The reason is, the current restrictions make the vehicle cannot be delivered quickly.

“Even if you want to quickly increase costs, consumers don’t necessarily want to,” said Jahja.

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