Home » today » Business » The RMB is up 2% in just one month, with a regular high of 15% and a monthly high of 7% 18 The Most Comprehensive Comparison of Banks (Updated November 2022) – Hong Kong Economic Daily – Financial Management – Interest Rate Raiders

The RMB is up 2% in just one month, with a regular high of 15% and a monthly high of 7% 18 The Most Comprehensive Comparison of Banks (Updated November 2022) – Hong Kong Economic Daily – Financial Management – Interest Rate Raiders

“Time Deposit Bian Jian Hao” analyzes the best time deposits of Bian Jian Bank from different angles, remember to click the other articles at the end of the article!

Apart from Hong Kong dollars and US dollars, Hong Kong people often make time deposits in RMB. The dollar’s recent rise has eased slightly, and the yuan has rebounded about 2% against the dollar so far in November. This website compares the regular annual interest rates in RMB of nearly 20 banks. The current method isit should be short rather than longup to 15% in one week and up to 7% in one month, but the highest long-term interest is only 2.75%, which is very far from foreign currencies such as Hong Kong dollars, US dollars and even British pounds.

Fixed deposit ratio in renminbi

Short-term storage is better than play, and the foreign exchange risk is also lower

The fixed term of the renminbi should be short rather than long. First, the exchange rate fluctuates. Second, long-term interest rates are unattractive. Conversely, short-term interest rates are higher against normal foreign currencies. For example, Citi currently offers1 month 7%RMB fixed-term, but must be opened in a branch. Fubon and CNCBI also have a fixed month term of more than 4%, and the initial deposit amount is not large, only HK$100,000 and HK$10,000 respectively.

For 1 week, the highest interest rate is15% of CCB AsiaHowever, this offer must be opened at the same time as the bank’s “Monthly Interest Increased Savings Account”, otherwise it is 11%. Get rid of this choice,Both Fubon and Nanshang have 13.88%CNCB has 13.8%, which is to be traded with funds only.

2.75% require a deposit of 5 million yuan for 2 years

At present, the long-term RMB interest rate is not attractive. The highest interest rate is 2.75% of China Merchants Wing Lung, but the initial deposit must be up to RMB 5 million, and the deposit period must be up to 24 months long. If this requirement can be met, the interest rate will be 27.5% in 2 years ten thousand yuan.

If the initial deposit is slightly lower, 100,000 yuan, CMB Wing Lung also has 2.7%, and 10,000 yuan is 2.65%. However, the 24-month deposit is a long time for many readers to lock in funds, and the exchange rate risk is high.

12 months up to 2.6%

If it is a 12-month deposit period, China Merchants Wing Lung’s maximum is 2.4%, which is lower than Standard Chartered and Bank of Communications’ 2.6%. In addition, the initial deposit of the latter two is only 10,000 yuan, which is relatively close to the people.

2.3% for 6 months 2.15% for 3 months

Due to the recent interest rate cut by the public bank, the current maximum deposit period of 6 months is 2.3% of that of Fubon, but the minimum deposit must be 1 million Hong Kong dollars or equivalent in new funds or exchange funds. The NCB’s 2.3% threshold is relatively low: if you open online/mobile banking, the minimum deposit is only 1,000 yuan.

In terms of 3 months, the above merchants have the highest rate at 2.15%, and the minimum deposit amount is 100,000 yuan for new funds or exchange funds; Xuyin Furong has 2.1%, and a deposit of 500,000 yuan is required.

Want to watch the US dollar regularly:USD term deposit margins are good: up to 10% for 12 months and up to 5.1% Nearly 20 long and short term bank deposit terms read clearly

Advantages of Hong Kong Dollar Time Deposit:

100,000 yuan for 2 regular banks, 5% and 9 at least 4.6%

Do you have 500,000 yuan to spare? 11 banks are over 4.5%

Regular Hong Kong Dollar 3-month high of 5% and low floor of 4.75% (see high, medium and low floor once)

Are the top 4 banks consistently good?HSBC note-issuing bank up 4.3%.

Fixed deposit ─ article 5%: Dah Sing Bank up to 5.2% 6 banks up to 5% or more

Lazy bag fixed deposit:[Che ne dici di un deposito vincolato ad alto interesse?Una borsa pigra


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