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The most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases

JAKARTA, iNews.idSexually transmitted disease the most dangerous should be careful and avoided in order not to get infected.

This sexually transmitted disease is usually easily transmitted if a person is sexually active. Spread can occur through blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids.

Reporting from the kemkes.go.id page, sexually transmitted diseases are divided into two types, namely general sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria and sexually transmitted diseases caused by direct contact.

It is called a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae gonorrhea. The disease is transmitted through contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus.

While sexually transmitted diseases that spread through sexual contact are chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital warts, herpes, syphilis and other infections. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus / HIV) causing AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

Here is a row of 5 most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that can damage the immune system. HIV that is not treated immediately will develop into a serious condition called AIDS.

Transmission of HIV occurs through contact with the patient’s body fluids, such as blood, semen, anal and vaginal fluids, and breast milk. This transmission can occur through contact, such as having sex, using the syringe used by a patient and others.

This disease is a lifelong disease. So, if people are affected by this disease, then this disease will continue to be in the body. There is no treatment method to cure HIV, however there are drugs that can slow the progression of HIV. This disease is not transmitted through air, touch and even mosquito bites.

2. Gonorrhea

The next most dangerous sexually transmitted disease is gonorrhea. Gonorrhea, also known as gonorrhea, is a sexually transmitted disease that can be experienced by both men and women. However, this disease is experienced by many men.

Gonorrhea can be caused by infections caused by sex, including oral sex (through the mouth) and anal sex (through the anus). Symptoms that appear in men in the form of pus discharge from the penis and pain when urinating. If in women, symptoms that occur in the form of continuous vaginal discharge and bleeding outside of menstruation.

Publisher: Kastolani Marzuki

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