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The Importance of Early Detection of Prediabetes in Obesity People

It is necessary to screen for prediabetes in obese and overweight people.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Chairman of the Indonesian Diabetes Association (Persadia) Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Depok, Mardi Santoso emphasized the importance of early detection of prediabetes. Especially for people who are overweight or obese.

“The need for screening prediabetes in people obesity and overweight. Early detection is very important, “said Mardi, at an online seminar entitled Smart Read Packaging Labels, Avoid the Risk of Obesity, Thursday (4/3).

To find out if a person has prediabetes, that person needs to have their blood sugar levels checked. From the Ministry of Health’s Riskesdas (Basic Health Research) data, the number of young prediabetes sufferers in Indonesia in 2018 reached 57.1 percent of the total prediabetes sufferers.

Prediabetes is a patient with impaired blood sugar tolerance or disturbed fasting blood sugar or there is a disturbance in both. Mardi said that most people with prediabetes are obese.

The symptoms of prediabetes are when you experience one of the symptoms, such as a lot of eating, lots of drinking, lots of peeing, weight loss drastically and experiencing weakness. “People with prediabetes have only one symptom of obesity and weakness, they eat a lot of delicious food,” he said.

He added that therapy for people with prediabetes includes adjusting the composition of the food so that the patient reaches the ideal body weight and exercise with a duration of 150 minutes per week. If these efforts are not effective, then the patient must take medication.

Meanwhile, to reduce the number of non-communicable diseases due to obesity and overweight, the Ministry of Health, community leaders and food companies need to play a role. Mardi said that in other countries, prevention is not only carried out in diseases caused by obesity, but they also make efforts to prevent obesity and being overweight.

There are a number of risks due to obesity, including prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease. In addition, metabolic syndrome, blood lipid disorders, increased blood viscosity, accumulated platelets, damage to blood vessels, impaired fertility, hypertension and cancer.

“There are various risks of obesity, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, narrowing of blood vessels, coronary heart disease, limping legs, retinopathy in the eye nerves. Then cancer. So the fat cells are prone to turning into malignancy. So the obese person did not show any evidence. prosperity, it is at risk of contracting non-communicable diseases, “he explained.

He said that during the period 2007 – 2018, overweight and obesity in adults aged> 18 years tended to increase in Indonesia. In 2018, North Sulawesi recorded the highest obesity with 21.8 percent.

Obesity is a condition where the body mass index (BMI)> 23 – 24.9. The indicator of excess body weight in adults is if the BMI is 25 to 27. Meanwhile, obesity in adults is when the BMI is more than 27.

source: between

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