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The happy hormone endorphins can be lifted with the following 8 activities

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. When it comes to happy hormones, usually endorphins are the ones that are most often mentioned. Yes, many people already know that endorphins are chemical compounds produced by the body to help us deal with pain and stress while building positive feelings.

However, not many know that the production of endorphins can actually be increased by some small things and activities that we usually do every day. So, what are those little things and activities? Check out his presentation as quoted from Real Simple, below.

1. Exercising

When you exercise, especially aerobic exercise, your body gets a burst of endorphins. This short-lived state of euphoria will occur after intense physical exercise that causes the body to undergo a number of changes.

As breathing becomes heavier, the pulse becomes faster and causes the heart to pump harder, moving oxygenated blood to the muscles and brain.

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“It’s no secret that exercise, especially strength training, will release endorphins,” says strength and fitness specialist Seth Forman. According to Forman, the hormones released by the body during exercise will help reduce emotional stress, act as anti-inflammatory, relieve pain, and produces only good feelings.

2. Laugh

Many say that laughter is the “best medicine” and this is true. Because laughter can trigger the release of endorphins. This stimulation of endorphins production occurs because laughter helps us breathe more oxygen-rich air, thereby activating the heart, lungs, and lungs. muscles to stimulate the production of endorphins that make us feel good.

3. Having sex

Just like physical activity and exercise, having sex can increase the production of endorphins. Because of this, sex and physical intimacy are often viewed as natural painkillers that can elevate mood, relax, and create feelings of intimacy and emotional satisfaction, especially during orgasm, when large amounts of endorphins are released.

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4. Acupuncture

Many studies show that acupuncture can increase levels of endorphins and decrease norepinephrine, a brain chemical associated with the sensation of pain. Therefore, acupuncture can help us fight pain, reduce stress, and create more of the good feelings we crave.

5. Listen to music

When we listen to our favorite songs, we usually feel happy. Well, it turns out that this can be explained scientifically. Many studies have shown that music has the power to increase the flow of endorphins that stimulate feelings of happiness.

It’s not just music, you know, that can increase endorphins. Music-related creative arts such as singing, dancing, and playing the drums can also trigger the release of endorphins.

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6. Smell lavender

The scent of essential oils, especially lavender, can increase the production of endorphins. Smelling this aroma can calm the mind and body. Lavender will also stimulate feel-good qualities that help us relax, sleep easily, and deal with stress.

7. Massage

Massage can indeed make us relax and reduce stress. Apparently, this is caused by the production of endorphins. Massage will stimulate our entire body, and increase blood circulation which will increase the production of endorphins.

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8. Eat chocolate

Like to eat chocolate? Continue. Because, chocolate, especially dark chocolate contains compounds that cause the brain to release endorphins and chemicals to make us feel good and happy. So when you are upset, just eat dark chocolate to be happy again.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title 8 Activities That Can Increase Endorphins, The Happy Hormone.
Author: Anya Dellanita
Editor: Lusia Kus Anna

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Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati

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