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The difference between sunscreen and sunblock, don’t be wrong when choosing

The difference between sunscreen and sunblock may not be widely known. Both are often considered to have the same function, namely to protect the skin from sun exposure. Only the terms are different.

However, they both have quite different functions. To distinguish them, we must first know the function of each of the two lotions.

Summarizing from various sources, although sunscreen and sunblock have almost the same function, they actually have differences in the form of protecting the skin.

For those of us who live in Indonesia as a tropical country, of course every day we get a lot of sunlight. Therefore, we must be careful when doing skin care.

One thing we must use for daily skin care is sunscreen. This lotion functions as a protective layer which is very important for the skin to avoid the adverse effects of sun exposure.

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To find out more details about the differences between the two skin care lotions, just look at the following reviews.

What is the difference between sunscreen and sunblock?


Usually this type of sunscreen is widely used to protect the skin from sun exposure. Because this one lotion is able to filter UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun.

Even sunscreen can also ward off more sunlight. Only some sunlight enters. So, the process makes this type of lotion tends to be more chemical.

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Then, what is the difference between sunscreen and sunblock? Sunblock itself serves to reflect as well as prevent the entry of sunlight into the skin.

So this sunblock can be said to be a sunscreen but it is more physical. Because usually sunscreen has a thinner content than sunblock.

For some people, the ingredients in ordinary sunscreens cause allergies. Therefore, we are safer if we use sunblock.

The difference between sunscreen and sunblock is actually not much. Both are lotions to protect the skin from exposure to UV rays of the sun.

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Make sure the SPF number

The most important thing for you is when you choose it. Before buying, you have to see first whether the lotion you want to use already has UVA, UVB protection or not.

In addition, you also have to make sure that the SPF number in the lotion is high enough, which is more than 30 and is water resistant.

Also make sure you will use it every day to maintain healthy and youthful skin. The reason is, sunscreen is important for you to use as an effort to prevent the negative effects of sun exposure.

That’s the difference between sunscreen and sunblock. So, now you don’t make the wrong choice again. Adjust to what you need to care for the skin to stay healthy. (R3/HR-Online/Editor-Eva)

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