Home » today » Technology » The cost of a Chinese Apple Watch Ultra clone was 30 times lower than the original

The cost of a Chinese Apple Watch Ultra clone was 30 times lower than the original

Last week, a replica of the high-end Apple Watch Ultra appeared in one of Shenzhen’s city markets. As you know, it is not necessary to teach Chinese craftsmen to copy other people’s gadgets. They have unique technology lending capabilities. The Watch Ultra went on sale a few days ago. Meanwhile, its clone is already being offered for purchase on the Shenzhen market.


You should pay tribute to the Chinese craftsmen. The replica is of good quality. Moving from the original to distinguish it is quite difficult. The wearable device received the same shell as the more expensive Apple Watch model, magnetic charging and the Digital Crown. The software interface is identical to watchOS. The smart watch has Apple branded dials.

As in the case of the original, the replica can be used to control the iPhone camera, open smart locks using the NFC module, communicate with the voice assistant Siri, determine the geolocation, etc. The disadvantages of the device include the material of the case, the lack of support for satellite communications and insufficient screen brightness. The original watch case is made of titanium. The forging of this metal is quite problematic.

Fake Watch Ultra costs 22 USD. For comparison: the original watch costs 799 USD. It is easy to guess that the replica will be in high demand among consumers, as it is 30 times cheaper than the original.

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