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The coronavirus may come from the Czech Republic, say Chinese geneticists

The Chinese are trying to rewrite the history of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. He claims that its original version was created in foreign countries and they also point to the Czechia.

Chinese phylogenetists investigating the development of viruses have published a study on the republishing scientific website SSRN.com, which suggests that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to China from abroad. According to their knowledge, the virus could have appeared and spread on four continents without being detected.

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“Our result shows that the city of Wuhan is not the place where the human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 first took place. SARS-CoV-2 had these transmissions behind it when it spread to Wuhan, already he experienced adaptive development before that, “says a Chinese study called The Early Cryptic Transmission and Evolution of SARS-Cov-2 in Human Hosts (Early latent transmission and development of SARS-Cov-2 in human hosts).

The researchers concluded in their analysis that the coronavirus may originate in the Czech Republic, Australia, India, Bangladesh, Russia, Serbia, Greece, Italy or the United States. It is said that they traced the original least mutated coronaviruses in these countries.

However, researchers identify the Indian subcontinent as the most likely place of origin of the infection. They describe their hypothesis as follows: “A wave of heat hit in southern India and Pakistan between May and June 2019. They resulted in water shortages. zoonotic transmission of the virus (animal to human). “

In conclusion, the three authors of the study write: “We hope that our work will shed new light on this mysterious virus and help answer many lingering unanswered questions about SARS-CoV-2.”

There are more and more suspects

The current study on the origin of the virus that causes covid-19 is not the first of its kind. In a similar analysis, Chinese researchers learned in April that the virus probably came from the United States or Italy.

This time, however, the Chinese have significantly increased the number of states suspected of having the disease from their territory.

Geneticist David Robertson of the University of Glasgow’s Virus Research Center in response to The Guardian he pointed outthat “a Chinese study ignores extensive epidemiological data that clearly indicate the evolution of the virus in China and its spread from that country.”

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