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The ABC’s to keep in mind about HPV

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is produced by sexual transmission. There are about 200 types of HPV. Some of these can generate warts on the genitals which are benign and different types of cancer.

The month of January is the season of the year in which we realize the risks involved in having cervical cancer.

According to the Mejorsincáncer.org portal, the following are the main guidelines on the human papilloma virus in order to avoid risks that threaten your health and prevent cervical cancer that has claimed so many victims.

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The HPV vaccine can be started from age 9, but is usually applied from age 11 or 12. Studies indicate that applying the vaccine at an early age produces a better immune system response. This is also due to the average age at which people start having sexual activity.

The vaccine is safe and effective and side effects that may occur are: malaise in the area of ​​application, fever or may cause dizziness or nausea. Signs that occur in any other type of vaccine.

  • . How is HPV spread?

The human papillomavirus only infects skin cells and is spread through skin-to-skin contact, usually through sexual contact.

  • When is the HPV test done?

HPV screening may be indicated in some women as part of early detection programs for cervical cancer. There are no HPV tests for men, nor are there blood tests for HPV.

  • How do I know if I have been infected with HPV?

Most of the time you don’t know. But some people who have had contact with HPV develop genital warts (bumps on the skin that sometimes look like small cauliflowers). These warts and other changes caused by the human papilloma virus can cause itching or a burning sensation.

  • If I get HPV, will I get cancer?

Only a small percentage of people who get HPV have a persistent infection and develop cancer. Having HPV does not mean you will get cancer. However, it is important to reduce the risk by getting vaccinated and having regular gynecological checkups.

  • I’ve never had sex, should I get tested for HPV?

If you’ve never had sex, your risk of getting HPV is so low that it probably doesn’t make sense to get tested.

Remember that it is vital that you visit your trusted doctor to examine you and advise you on the best treatment you should follow, in case you are a carrier of HPV.

Sometimes eliminating the symptoms is not enough as the virus will continue in your body and these signs may reappear. Hence the importance of relying on expert hands who will be able to give you the best solutions to specific discomfort in the circumstances and characteristics determined by your condition.

This information has been prepared with data from the Blog of the Catalan Institute of Oncology.

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