These three vitamin supplements actually make people more at risk of lung cancer

Consumption of three vitamin supplements is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Long-term use of three natural supplements has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. What are the supplements? The natural supplement market is getting bigger booming. In fact, most people should get all the nutrients and … Read more

Tips for taking vitamins for the overtime worker

JAKARTA – Behind the benefits and convenience, taking vitamins in fact should not be done carelessly. Vitamins and supplements should be taken when the body’s needs are increasing. For example, when you are busy with activities, approaching the sick season, such as transitions or in the recovery period. Check out the recommended daily vitamins and … Read more

Not only sweet, these are 4 benefits of green apples that are good for body health

Not only does it taste sweet and refreshing, but the benefits of apples for health are also unquestionable. It is known that green apples are low in calories and have many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6, vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin C. The presence of antioxidants such as pectin and flavonoids in it … Read more

Vitamin A Nasal Drops Will Be Tried to Help Restore the Sense of Smell due to Covid-19

PR PANGARAN – Lost smell is one of the main symptoms Covid-19, in addition to loss of taste, persistent cough, and accompanying high temperature. Nose Drops Vitamin A will be tested for 12 weeks and will see if Nose Drops it can help those who have lost their senses smell after experiencing symptoms Covid-19 or … Read more

Melinjo Leaves the Main Ingredients in the Rituals of the Karbi Tribe in East India

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Not only the fruit, melinjo leaves also has various benefits. Melinjo leaves contain protein, fiber, copper, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin A, antioxidants, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Tree melinjo widely cultivated for food purposes. The fruit is elliptical, 1-3.5 cm long and half wide. The leaves are simple and dark green. The … Read more

4 Vitamins for Immune System during the Covid-19 Pandemic – This time will discuss about vitamins for immunity at time pandemic covid-19. Let’s see together. VITAMINS FOR ENDURANCE Deployment corona virus in Indonesia until now still can not be controlled. This, of course, cannot be separated from the entry of the Delta variant of covid to Indonesia. Where this new variant is … Read more

The doctor named the amount of vitamin D for a person to take after winter

Today, 11:10 | author: Marat Kudeev | Photo Vitamin D deficiency leads to a feeling of fatigue and lethargy, as it regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and is also important for bones and muscles. This is reported by the British Medical Journal with reference to nutritionist and author of … Read more

Doctors have named 4 sure signs that you are not getting enough vitamin D

Yesterday, 11:45 | author: Ivan Egorov | Photo Few people know, but the global vitamin D deficiency in the body of modern people has become a real non-infectious pandemic of the 21st century. Moreover, this problem is pronounced in those countries where sunny weather is rare. Recall that vitamin D is usually called “solar”, … Read more

The deficiency of vitamin B12 in the human body is signaled by three skin symptoms

Today, 12:25 | author: Maria Solovieva | Photo You can suspect a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body by skin changes, according to doctors from the American Academy of Family Physicians. They named three characteristics, according to Express. Experts focus on the fact that vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of DNA, … Read more