This group is the most vulnerable to experience prolonged COVID, still sick even though they are negative

This group is the most vulnerable to experience prolonged COVID, still sick even though they are negative

Jakarta – Those who have previously been exposed to COVID-19 and still have symptoms six months or two years later have a lower chance of recovering from ‘Long COVID‘. Many people do not realize that they experience ‘persistent’ complaints after exposure. Quoted from the National Library of Medicine of the US National Institutes of Health … Read more

This is why non-smokers get lung cancer

This is why non-smokers get lung cancer

Jakarta – Smoking is one of the main risk factors for lung cancer. However, it does not rule out the possibility that lung cancer can occur in someone who has never smoked. A woman in England, Sally Hall, experienced terminal lung cancer even though she was not a smoker. The 66-year-old woman was unaware of … Read more

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Jakarta – Colorectal or colon cancer has long been associated with disease in the elderly, especially those over the age of 65. However, since the 1990s, the incidence or frequency of cases has been increasing among adults under the age of 50 years. Tufts University gastroenterologist Joel Mason revealed that rectal bleeding during bowel movements, … Read more

Dozens of primary school children in Ciamis are suffering from hiccups

Dozens of primary school children in Ciamis are suffering from hiccups

Cyamis – Dozens of primary school children in Ciamis Regency, West Java, were reported to have hiccups or the medical term for hiccups. Ciamis Health Service immediately dispatched Community Health Center officers to treat. “Yes, that’s right, there was a report from the Ciamis Education Service that several children had a disability at SDN 3 … Read more

1 Death and 75 people falling ill after eating McD Burgers, This is the first estimate

1 Death and 75 people falling ill after eating McD Burgers, This is the first estimate

Jakarta – One person died and dozens of customers of the famous fast food restaurant, McDonald’s in the United States became ill. According to the latest report, a total of 75 people are being treated after being identified as eating McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers contaminated with E coli bacteria. Three days ago, the government had … Read more