doctors are trying to understand the causes of high mortality from COVID-19

The frightening speed with which the condition of people infected with coronavirus worsens, and completely sudden deaths shock even experienced doctors and nurses who do not yet understand how to stop such a sudden deterioration in the condition of patients. Patients “look good, feel good, and then … if you turn your back on them, … Read more

how COVID-19 turns body cells into viral factories

When the coronavirus attacks the body of its next victim, it turns the patient’s own cells into original factories for the production of new viruses. The process begins on the surface of the cell when the virus captures the protein, which usually helps regulate the patient’s blood pressure. The cell involuntarily lets the virus inside … Read more

Pompeo in Belarus: Putin’s vassal seeks proximity to the United States

VOn camera, Belarusian President Lukashenko says sentences like: Moscow is taking his country “right from behind”. It was important to protect Belarusian interests, the people and the state – whatever the cost. His country is waging “a war for energy”. Such sharp rhetoric towards the big brother Russia has never been heard from Minsk. To … Read more