“Business travel in the US easier than in the EU”

Berlin Whether self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises or large corporations, the economy complains of absurd administrative burdens from the EU bureaucracy. The accusation: on the one hand, onerous requests come directly from Brussels, on the other hand, the national implementation of the regulations is often impractical. The Family Business Foundation wanted to know specifically and … Read more

Because hardly anyone wants to donate money to the state

Reichstag in Berlin Anyone who wants can donate money to the state, but hardly anyone wants it. (Photo: IMAGO/serienlicht) Berlin Marlene Engelhorn is a descendant of the BASF company founder Friedrich Engelhorn, will inherit double-digit millions and would like to pay significantly more taxes. With about 60 other millionaires, she is involved in the “taxmenow” … Read more

Germany risks losing in world trade

It is not the first time that globalization has backtracked. Economic historian Harold James has identified seven globalization crises since 1850, some of them severe. While each of these has led to a new phase of globalization, he is by no means certain that past winners of globalization will also be future winners. As a … Read more

UK against loosened capital rules for financial institutions

Rishi Sunak The British prime minister is under pressure from Brexit supporters. (Photo: dpa) London Since the UK left the European Union nearly three years ago, Brexit advocates have promised a “big bang” that will free UK financial services firms from the regulatory shackles of EU membership. Andrew Griffith, Secretary of State for the City … Read more

Companies in Germany fear collapse

BERLIN After a 1.2 percent increase in gross domestic product this year, the DIHK expects economic output to decline by around three percent over the next year. This makes it significantly more pessimistic than the federal government. In its autumn projection, the latter predicts a 0.4% contraction of the economy. The DIHK presented the results … Read more

This is why Frankfurt is sliding down the ranking of cities

Frankfurt am Main skyline Frankfurt was particularly affected by the crown pandemic: jobs were cut at both Frankfurt Airport and at the Frankfurt Messe. (Photo: imago images / Jan Eifert) From his workplace at the Old Stock Exchange, Ulrich Caspar looks directly at the forecourt with the bull and bear sculptures. The trade hall of … Read more

Asian debtor states are becoming increasingly dependent

Bangkok These were airports and highways, ports and railway lines. Many already heavily indebted countries have made their expensive dreams come true with the help of China in the past, now they are suffering from the loss of control. The global economic crisis drives them bankrupt, but the former granting China’s wishes often thwarts their … Read more

“Russia would be crazy to attack a NATO country”

Kishore Mahbubani The Asian political scientist believes that the war in Ukraine will ultimately be just a “footnote in the epochal conflict between the US and China for world domination”. Dusseldorf Sometimes a change of perspective helps to understand. Kishore Mahbubani, one of Asia’s most prominent geostrategists, has a different view of the West that … Read more

Neptune looks stunning, this image was captured by the James Webb Space Telescope

KONTAN.CO.ID – Planet Neptune looks stunning! This image was captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. The planet in the Solar System furthest from the Sun appears to have rings like Saturn. Do you remember the lessons in school about the names of the planets of the Solar System? Can you name the planet farthest … Read more

Robert Kiyosaki predicts the economic destruction of the United States, recommends this collection of assets

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Famous financial book author Robert Kiyosaki has warned that a decision by the United States (US) Central Bank or the Fed to raise the benchmark interest rate would destroy the US economy. Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author Rich Dad Poor Dad suggests everyone to invest in real money like gold, silver and bitcoin. … Read more