7 rare phenomena that occurred in the Indonesian sky throughout 2022

Loading… This is the astronomical phenomenon that is happening in Indonesia throughout 2022. PHOTO/IST JAKARTA – For the whole year 2022 This time, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) has noted that there are several rare phenomena occurring in the skies over Indonesia. READ ALSO – Unique natural phenomenon in the world A rare … Read more

What is a Solar Eclipse? This is an explanation of a rare phenomenon

One of the two phenomenon of nature the long-awaited and rare is the solar eclipse. This eclipse is known to occur when the sun, moon and earth are in parallel orbits. So the moon will block the light emitted by the sun. Solar eclipse, especially a total solar eclipse, occurs only once every few years. … Read more

4 eclipse phenomena that occur during 2022, there is a total lunar eclipse

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com – Selama tahun 2022 terjadi banyak fenomena langit salah satunya yakni gerhana. Tercatat setidaknya ada empat kali gerhana baik matahari maupun bulan yang terjadi sepanjang 2022. Gerhana sendiri merupakan fenomena langit langka dimana cahaya matahari yang menuju Bumi terhalang oleh Bulan (Gerhana Matahari). Atau cahaya matahari yang menuju bulan terhalang oleh Bumi sehingga Bulan … Read more

5 Natural phenomena Proof of the truth of the Quran in science, there is fire at the bottom of the sea

JAKARTAiNewsTasikmalaya.id – Phenomenon of nature proof of the truthfulness of the Qur’an in Science you can see in this article. The earth with all its contents contains many natural phenomena that are difficult to explain for human reason. However, the natural phenomena that occurred were explained in the holy book of the Quran before the … Read more

Discovery of an unknown “ghost” human species detected by computer

Loading… The ancient ancestors of people living in West Africa appear to have interbred with mysterious ghostly hominids, another missing character in human development. Photo/iflscience CALIFORNIA – It seems that the ancient ancestors of people living in West Africa interbred with hominids” ghost mysterious, another character lost in development man . The genetic heritage of … Read more

Revealed the secret of seagulls with dark-colored wings, it has a vital function

Loading… The dark wings of seagulls actually play a vital role in flying efficiently and agilely. Photo/journalist LONDON – Wing bird Dusky gulls actually play a vital role in being able to fly efficiently and nimbly. Dark colour it helps the gull’s short, broad wings glide properly in the air. So seagulls can still fly … Read more

Sky serpent caught on camera slithering across the surface of the sun

Loading… A unique phenomenon occurs in the sun and was captured by ESA’s Solar Orbiter camera. Photo/DOC. ONE JAKARTA – An interesting phenomenon occurs Sun recently. Sky serpent caught on camera slithering across the surface of the sun. Is it a real snake? The sun-observing satellites or Solar Orbiter owned by the European Space Agency … Read more

Powerful gamma-ray bursts have swept across the Earth

Loading… Astronomers have detected the most powerful gamma-ray burst that swept the Earth over the weekend. Photo/Illustration/NASA/Newatlas FLORIDA – Astronomers detected explosion the strongest gamma-ray radicals Land last weekend. Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are some of the most energetic explosions since the Big Bang. Last week’s gamma-ray burst is thought to have emitted a beam of … Read more

Huge stellar explosion seen by the Hubble telescope

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured three separate images of a massive stellar explosion. Photo: NDTV Houston (Lampost.co) — About 11.5 billion years ago, a star estimated to be 530 times more massive than the sun in a violent explosion blew its outer gaseous layers into the surrounding cosmos. Researchers on Wednesday Nov. 9, 2022 said … Read more

This is what happens when we enter a black hole, just imagining it makes us shiver

Loading… A black hole is a place where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, including light. Photo / NASA / Live Science JAKARTA – Black hole or a black hole is a place where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, including light . Black holes are aptly named because they cannot … Read more