Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

Soy protein contributes to alleviating menopausal symptoms and reducing cholesterol Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Views 0 Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Modified 2023.12.15 18:17 Views 0 Tofu is a food rich in protein as much as eggs. .It is especially good for middle-aged women as it is rich in essential amino acids, calcium, and iron. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] “What should … Read more

Everything you want to know about osteoporosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Everything you want to know about osteoporosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Written by Fatima Yasser Saturday, December 9, 2023 01:00 AM Some people experience severe pain accompanied by an inability to move normally, and when they go to the doctor and undergo medical examinations, it may appear that they have osteoporosis, and during this report we will learn everything related to this disease, according to the … Read more

5 myths about osteoporosis, the most prominent of which is taking too much calcium for prevention

5 myths about osteoporosis, the most prominent of which is taking too much calcium for prevention

Written by Fatima Yasser Thursday, December 7, 2023 05:00 PM Some believe that taking amounts of calcium significantly helps reduce the chances of OsteoporosisIt is also believed that drinking milk and exercising regularly also reduces the incidence of osteoporosis, according to the report published on the website hindustantimes We will find out the truth about … Read more

When I ate pomegranate often, did my bone density, blood vessels, and weight change?

When I ate pomegranate often, did my bone density, blood vessels, and weight change?

Relieves menopausal symptoms, suppresses cholesterol, prevents inflammation, and has anti-cancer effects. input 2023.12.02 14:48 Views 839 input 2023.12.02 14:48correction 2023.12.02 16:57 Views 839 Domestic pomegranates help reduce visceral fat, prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and relieve menopausal symptoms. [사진=국립농업과학원] Pomegranate, which is helpful for women’s menopause, is a fruit that grows on the pomegranate tree (Punica). … Read more

Preserving Bone Health: Preventing Osteoporosis in the Elderly

Preserving Bone Health: Preventing Osteoporosis in the Elderly

The elderly are prone to osteoporosis and should cooperate with aerobic or muscle-strengthening exercises for health care. (123RF) Text/Lai Minru One in every five Chinese people is suffering from the crisis of osteoporosis. Since osteoporosis has no obvious symptoms, it is easy to be ignored. It is not until you fall and fracture that you … Read more

The Health Implications of the Modern Diet and How to Reduce Risk

The Health Implications of the Modern Diet and How to Reduce Risk

modern dietEating and living habits high in sugar, fat, sodium and processed foods, coupled with insufficient exercise and stress, can lead to a variety of health problems and chronic diseases. l Obesity: Modern diets high in calories, fat and sugar can easily lead to weight gain. l Type 2 diabetes: Often closely related to obesity … Read more

Preventive Strategies and Treatment for Osteoporosis: The Silent Danger

Preventive Strategies and Treatment for Osteoporosis: The Silent Danger

Keypoint: Silent danger with no warning signs ‘Osteoporosis’ is the second most important public health problem in the world after cardiovascular disease. The greater the number of elderly people. Elderly people live longer More and more patients with osteoporosis will be found. This is because the patient will not know that he or she has … Read more

Promoting Bone Health: Essential Nutrients to Prevent Osteoporosis

Promoting Bone Health: Essential Nutrients to Prevent Osteoporosis

Written by Rania Amer Friday, October 20, 2023 06:00 PM International Day is celebrated Osteoporosis On October 20 of each year, the reason is to raise the level of awareness about preventing this disease, as adults, children, and youth suffer from it. This following report will explain the necessary nutritional elements that an individual’s body … Read more

Understanding Osteoporosis: Prevention, Treatment, and Care for Strong Bones as You Age

Understanding Osteoporosis: Prevention, Treatment, and Care for Strong Bones as You Age

When we were teenagers No matter what activity you do, you can do it to your utmost because your body is still strong. nimble Even a slight bump or fall is not a problem. But when you start to get older Injuries from crashes or falls seem to be more serious than ever. This may … Read more