This is the reason the Moon’s surface is pockmarked and has 9,000 craters

RHODE ISLAND – impact impact asteroid has gradually changed the balance month and formed about 9,000 craters on its surface. An asteroid collision caused one side of the moon to be filled with more craters than the other side. According to the International Astronomical Union, more than 9,000 craters have been seen to make the … Read more

Russia Prepares Moon Explorer Mission, Luna-25 Robot Launch Targeted August 2022

MOSCOW – Russia preparing to re-launch the rover mission to month with the Luna-25 automatic probe. The rover will be sent to the moon’s south polar region and it is planned that the landing craft will reach north of the Boguslavsky crater. In late March 2022, Roscosmos reported that tests of the high-precision landing system … Read more

Six months after contracting Covid, people are at increased risk of developing blood clots – Six months after infection with Covid, there is an increased risk of developing severe blood clots, according to research from Sweden. The study found people with severe Covid, and those indexed during the first wave, were most at high risk of developing blood clots. – The findings highlight the importance of being vaccinated … Read more

Rocket Impact Falls on Moon, Physics Experiment Explains Collision in Space – A boost rocket hit the surface month at nearly 6,000 mph on March 4. Scientist NASA also studied the impact of rocket collisions that fell on the Month by experiment physics. Once the dust clears, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will shift into position to get a close-up view of the smoldering crater and … Read more

Why is the Moon Called a Natural Satellite? This is the explanation Page all – Earth have one satellite natural that is Month. However, it turns out that it’s not only Earth that has the Moon as a satellite, because every planet on Earth has a satellite Solar system must have their own natural satellites. Satellite naturally also owned by a number of planets in this Solar System, … Read more

Why is the Moon Called a Natural Satellite? This is the explanation – Earth have one satellite natural that is Month. But it turns out that it’s not only Earth that has the Moon as a satellite, because every planet on Earth has a moon Solar system must have their own natural satellites. Satellite naturally also owned by a number of planets in this Solar System, … Read more

NASA Launches a Giant Rocket Travel Mission to the Moon Soon, Washington – NASA’s new massive rocket begins its first trip to the launch pad on Thursday 17 March ahead of a series of tests to launch to Month this summer. The plane left the Kennedy Space Center Vehicle Assembly Building at approximately 5:47 p.m. Eastern Time (04:47 BST) and began an 11-hour crawler-transporter journey … Read more

Toulouse. 8-month-pregnant woman found tied up in her home after burglary

An 8-month-pregnant woman was held at home on Tuesday March 15, 2022 in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) by a group of men looking for valuables to steal, reports Toulouse news. The victim was found at his home by the police after a witness gave the alert in the evening. The future mother was at home, her hands … Read more

Ambition Realizes ‘Moon Walker’ Again, NASA is Preparing to Return for Mission to the Moon

INDOZONE.ID – Ambition NASA to recreate the moon walker or human walking on Month is in sight. The Artmeis I unmanned mission is scheduled to launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida on March 17, 2022. Reported Live Sciencethat unmanned mission using aircraft space Orion aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket … Read more