Expert Clarifies: Military Summons in Ukraine Must Be Received in Person

Summons must be handed in personally so that the person liable for military service can confirm the fact of receipt by signing on it. Under the current state of martial law in Ukraine and general mobilization, the question arises of how the subpoenas are served. Lawyer Konstantin Gritchin clarifies the possibility of receiving a summons … Read more

What is martial law? – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK — Russian President Vladimir Putin declared martial law in four parts of Ukraine that their country illegally annexed last month, leading some New Yorkers to ask, “Where did we hear that before? What does this mean?” First, you’ve heard the term used locally, although it’s probably not a good memory. “Martial law” was … Read more

Putin imposes martial law on 4 former regions of Ukraine

Loading… Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo / sputnik / REUTERS FLY – Martial law was imposed in four regions that Russia recently chose to be part of in the conflict with Ukraine. The decision was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday (10/19/2022). “The Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson … Read more

Putin declares “martial law” in the territories annexed to Russia

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" Putin said: "We work to solve large and complex problems and continue to train soldiers to ensure the protection of the future Russia"adding: "We support all those who implement the military plan in Ukraine". Putin continued: the Kiev regime was behind the terrorist operation in Russia Crimean bridgerefuses any offers … Read more

Peskov answered the question about the military situation in the Russian Federation

Photo: kremlin-ru Peskov also said they would not announce the mobilization – – Earlier, the media reported that Russian authorities are discussing the possibility of introducing martial law in the country. “No decision has yet been made to introduce martial law in any region,” he said. Peskov also added that so far there are no … Read more

After the partial mobilization, Putin is considering introducing martial law

In Russia, the possibility of introduction of martial law. The Kremlin will take such a step if Ukrainian troops continue to attack the Russian army in the temporarily occupied territories. This was reported by “Vjorstka”. For example, martial law could be imposed on Russia if Ukraine attacks Putin’s troops the so-called “annexed territories”, that is. … Read more

Russia prepares to introduce martial law – the media

Photo: The Kremlin is discussing the possibility of introducing martial law – – The Kremlin called the plan to introduce martial law “undesirable, but possible” and defined a necessary condition. Russian authorities are discussing the possibility of introducing martial law in the country. The Kremlin will take such a step if Ukrainian troops continue … Read more