Health Net “Eat the right food and sleep until dawn Doctor: 4 major nutrients to help sleep well-Free Health Net

Doctors pointed out that carrots contain folic acid, which can promote sleep. A lack of folic acid can lead to insomnia, decreased sleep quality, and even depression. Long-term deficiency can also cause anxiety, making it increasingly difficult to fall asleep. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]I look at my mobile phone before going to … Read more

Health Net” is ready to start school!A nutritionist teaches “eating like this” to brighten the brain and relieve stress-Free Health Network

The nutritionist said that if you want to stay away from leaving school syndrome, it is recommended to eat more protein, vitamin B, Omega-3, calcium, magnesium and other ingredients, which can help relieve stress, relax, calm, and improve sleep quality; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The winter vacation is … Read more

Know PMS insomnia from its causes, symptoms and how to manage it

Loading… Insomnia, also known as a sleep disorder, is more common among women than men. This is likely due to hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle. Illustration/photo Freepik JAKARTA – Have you ever had trouble sleeping in the days leading up to your period? This is probably caused by hormones. Insomnia, also known as … Read more

Samantha Harvey: “The Year Without Sleep” – Writing can be like dreaming

Author Samantha Harvey has published four novels. However, the British woman’s work is weighed down by a very heavy burden: she often cannot sleep. To escape the heavy thoughts of those periods of insomnia, she started writing at night: “Now I could do something constructive with it by writing sentences and transforming what was happening … Read more

It turns out that they influence each other What is the relationship between sleep and lung cancer?

In addition to how insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea may contribute to the development of lung cancer, the opposite may also be true. Lung cancer can cause and exacerbate both of these conditions. 1. Insomnia Some lung cancer symptoms and treatment side effects can make it difficult for people to fall asleep or get a … Read more

A warning sign.. Waking up at this time indicates that your liver is in bad shape

3:01 pm Sunday 11 December 2022 I wrote – Shaima Morsi Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) tends not to cause any harm in the early stages, but in the long run it causes consequences and the presence of fat cells within the liver, which affects most people to varying degrees. Problems arise when these fat … Read more