They will seek to facilitate the voting of Mexicans abroad: AMLO

They will seek to facilitate the voting of Mexicans abroad: AMLO

The federal government will intervene to find a way to facilitate the voting of Mexicans living abroad, through the Secretariats of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Interior (Segob), whose heads will meet with the advisors of the National Electoral Institute (INE), announced President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. It is a very important issue, whose solution … Read more

Santa Cruz Departmental Health Service Urges Parents to Authorize Covid-19 Vaccination for Children in Educational Units to Ensure Safety

Santa Cruz Departmental Health Service Urges Parents to Authorize Covid-19 Vaccination for Children in Educational Units to Ensure Safety

The Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) recommends that parents authorize the vaccination of their children against Covid-19 in educational units, where they are going to immunize minors. “Continuing with the vaccination against covid-19, we are in the educational units, to facilitate the access of minors to their immunization doses,” said Carmelo Salvatierra, coordinator of Urban Networks … Read more