Do beta blockers increase the risk of Parkinson’s? | Health city Berlin

For some time now, beta blockers have been suspected of increasing the risk of Parkinson’s disease. According to a recent review, however, a causal relationship is very unlikely. The experts therefore advise against stopping the medication prematurely. Beta-receptor antagonists (in short: beta blockers) such as atenolol, bisoprolol, propanolo or metoprolol are often used to lower … Read more

Do beta blockers actually increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease? – Naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Relationship between beta blocker treatment and Parkinson’s? Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common progressive neurological diseases. For some years it has been believed that beta blockers can increase the risk of the incurable disease. But does this really exist? Beta-receptor antagonists (in short: beta blockers) are suspected of increasing the risk of Parkinson’s … Read more

Do beta blockers actually increase the risk of Parkinson’s? – Naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Relationship between beta blocker treatment and Parkinson’s? Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common progressive neurological diseases. For some years it has been believed that beta blockers can increase the risk of the incurable disease. But does this really exist? Beta-receptor antagonists (in short: beta blockers) are suspected of increasing the risk of Parkinson’s … Read more